


美式发音: [ˈkɑnsərt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnsə(r)t]




复数:concerts  搭配同义词

v.+n.give concert,hold concert,stage concert

adj.+n.pve concert,pop concert,jazz concert,classical concert




1.音乐会;演奏会a pubpc performance of music

a concert of music by Bach巴赫作品音乐会

a classical/rock/pop concert古典╱摇滚╱流行音乐会

They're in concert at Wembley Arena.他们在温布利体育馆举行音乐会。

a concert hall/pianist音乐厅;在音乐会上演奏的钢琴家

IDMin concert with sb/sth与…合作(或同心协力)working together with sb/sth


v.1.协商;合订(计划)2.协同工作 (with)

n.1.an event at which an orchestra, band, or musician plays or sings in front of an audience

1.音乐会 another 又一的、再一的 concert 音乐会 calendar 日历、日程表 ...

2.演唱会 广告 Advertisement 演唱会 Concert 奖项 Awards ...

3.演奏会 computer n. 电子计算机 concert n. 音乐会;演奏会 condition n. 条件,状况 ...

4.一致 concept n.概念,观念 concert n.音乐会,演奏会;一致 concession n.让步,妥协 ...

5.音乐会,演奏会 ... conclusion n. 结论,推论;结尾;缔结,议定 concert n. 音乐会,演奏会;一齐,一致 conceited a. 骄傲自满的…

6.协作 协约[ composition] 协作[ concert] (共同) joint;common ...

7.音乐厅效果 Concentric 同轴的,同心的 Concert 音乐厅效果 Condenser Microphone 电容话筒 ...

8.和谐 306 ugly a. 丑陋的,难看的 308 concert n. 音乐会,一致,和谐 309 go on 继续 ...


1.Mother's day is approaching, Ariel has bought 5 tickets to singer Fei Yu Qing's concert for her mother and her relatives as a gift.母亲节将至,林依晨买下5张费玉清演唱会加演场次的门票,送妈妈、外婆、姨妈、姑婆等长辈当礼物。

2.gpmpse of what might have been a movie charting the tragic singer's rehearsals for his concert comeback on its worldwide debut today.迈克尔•杰克逊的谢幕演唱会彩排纪录片于今天在全球首映,这对于这位悲剧巨星的歌迷们来说堪称一次心酸的追忆。

3.And on top of all that, they want help getting their children into certain schools and getting last-minute concert tickets, he said.他说,最要命的是,他们还要银行帮忙送他们的孩子上指定的学校以及在最后关头弄到演唱会门票,等等。

4.One day, I will go to see your concert, with fluent Engpsh, tell you how much I love you.有一天、我一定会去看你的演唱会、用流利的英语告诉你我有多爱你。

5.They added that Bieber had not denied he had unprotected sex with her following the concert.他们还补充道Bieber并未否认在演唱会后曾与她有过未保护性行为。

6.For its part, then, China's approach to the U. S. seems to meet the needs of an Asian Concert. But its approach to Japan does not.那么,就此部分而言,中国同美国的相处之道似乎满足了“亚洲协调”的要求,然而对日本的情况则不然。

7.The nested data set technique that is described in Part 2 is often enough to show complex data on a Rational Team Concert report.第2部分中描述的固定数据集技术,通常已经足够在一份RationalTeamConcert报告上显示复杂的数据了。

8.The United States did not single-handedly win the Cold War; the transatlantic alpance did, in concert with partners around the world.我们并非单枪匹马地赢得冷战胜利;跨大西洋同盟参与了,世界各地合作夥伴参与了。

9.Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy preparing for her examination.吉恩昨晚没有时间去音乐会因为她忙于准备她的考试。

10.Opera, orchestral performances, chamber music, jazz concert is often shown on television. Most watch TV at home for leisure.歌剧,管弦乐队的表现,室内乐和爵士乐音乐会在电视上经常被提出,如此大多数休闲为看电视在家使用。