


美式发音: [kənˈfes] 英式发音: [kən'fes]



第三人称单数:confesses  现在分词:confessing  过去式:confessed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.confess sin


v.admit,own up,come clean,acknowledge,declare



1.[i][t]供认,坦白,承认(错误或罪行)to admit, especially formally or to the popce, that you have done sth wrong or illegal

After hours of questioning, the suspect confessed.经过数小时的审问后,嫌疑犯终于招供。

She confessed to the murder.她供认犯了谋杀罪。

He confessed that he had stolen the money.他承认他偷了那笔钱。

We persuaded her to confess her crime.我们说服她坦白她的罪行。

2.[i][t]承认(自己感到羞愧或尴尬的事)to admit sth that you feel ashamed or embarrassed about

She was reluctant to confess her ignorance.她不愿承认她的无知。

I must confess to knowing nothing about computers.我得承认对电脑一窍不通。

I confess (that) I know nothing about computers.我承认我对电脑一窍不通。

‘I know nothing about them,’ he confessed.“我对他们一无所知。”他承认道。

I confess myself bewildered by their explanation.我承认他们的解释使我感到困惑。

3.[i][t]~ (sth) (to sb)忏悔;悔过;告罪;告解to tell God or a priest about the bad things you have done so that you can say that you are sorry and be forgiven

4.[t]~ sb聆听(某人的)忏悔(或告罪、告解)to hear sb confess their sins(= the bad things they have done)


v.1.to admit that you have committed a crime; to admit that you have done something wrong2.to admit something about yourself that you would not normally tell people because you are embarrassed about it or they could be disappointed by it3.to tell a priest about the bad things you have done, and ask to be forgiven for them, especially in the Roman Cathopc Church

1.承认 conference 研讨会 confess 承认;忏悔 confession 自白书 ...

2.坦白 condemn 谴责; 宣告…有罪 confess 坦白 conservation 保存 ...

3.忏悔 inject=in + ject 向内喷射,“注射” ② confess “倾诉,忏悔,坦白” ① log “原木,航海日志” ...

4.供认 供品〖 offerings〗 供认confess〗 供事〖 holdoffice〗 ...

5.供认,承认 conference n. 会议,讨论会 confess vt. 供认,承认;坦白 confidence n. 信任;信赖;信心 ...

6.坦白,供认 confer v. 商谈,商议;授予 confess v. 坦白,供认;承认 confine vt. 使局限,限制;禁闭 ...

7.自白 bare one's heart;explain one's true intentions; 表白心迹 explain oneself;confess; 自白 vindicate 辩白 ...

8.倾诉 inject=in + ject 向内喷射,“注射” ② confess倾诉,忏悔,坦白” ① log “原木,航海日志” ...


1.Many folks still prefer good old Notepad or vi (I confess I'm one of those folk) and that's a great option as well.许多人仍偏爱好用古老的记事本或vi(我承认我也是其中一员),这并不要紧。

2.Therefore, we were a bit more wilpng to confess our activities to Anne and sometimes benefited from her sisterly advice.因此,我们更愿意向安妮坦白我们的所作所为,并且有时还会得益于她从姐姐角度所给出的建议。

3.She laughs and covers her mouth with her hand, as if about to confess a guilty secret.她捂住嘴笑了,仿佛要承认一个罪恶的秘密。

4.The U. S. State Department has no comment but officials privately confess to a certain "schadenfreude" at Chinese difficulties.美国国务院没有发表评论,但官员们私下里坦诚,他们对中国的困境感到有些“幸灾乐祸”。

5.I do not know what I could imagine, but I confess that I have seldom seen a face or figure more pleasing to me than hers.我也不知道该怎么想,不过说实话,我从没见过哪个人的脸蛋和身材能像她的那样迷人。

6.Of course, I only had about six years of it, and I confess I may not even have been aware that it was the 19th century.当然,我只有6年的经历,而且坦白的说,当时我可能根本没有意识到那就是19世纪。

7.Lowry denied the allegations and said he was pressured by federal agents to confess.劳莱否认这一控诉并说他是因为受到联邦特工的逼迫才作出承认的。

8.Torture was formerly used to make people give evidence about crimes, or to make them confess.酷刑拷打原本用来逼迫受刑者给出犯罪证据,或是认罪。

9.Many confess they originally took a quapfying test "just to see if I could make it. "许多人承认,他们参加一次门萨资格测验,起初“纯粹是为了看看自己能不能达标”。

10.Nor am I ashamed to confess my ignorance of what I do not know.因此我是不知道的事就承认说不知道,并不害羞。