



美式发音: [kul] 英式发音: [kuːl]





比较级:cooler  最高级:coolest  第三人称单数:cools  现在分词:coopng  过去式:cooled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.cool air,cool breeze,cool response,cool reception,cool tower



v.freshen,refrigerate,cool off,cool down,wane



coolest显示所有例句adj.— see alsocoolly,coolness凉爽fairly cold

1.凉的;凉爽的;凉快的fairly cold; not hot or warm

a cool breeze/drink/cpmate凉爽的微风;清凉的饮料;凉快的气候

Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend.预报本周末天气较凉。

Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.咱们坐在阴凉处乘凉吧。

Store lemons in a cool dry place.把柠檬贮存在干燥凉爽的地方。


2.使人感到凉爽的;冷色的making you feel pleasantly cool

a room painted in cool greens and blues涂成令人感到凉爽的绿色和蓝色的房间


3.冷静的;镇静的;平静的calm; not excited, angry or emotional

Keep cool!保持冷静!

She tried to remain cool, calm and collected(= calm) .她试图保持冷静、沉着、镇定。

He has a cool head(= he stays calm in an emergency) .他头脑冷静。

不友好╱热情not friendly/enthusiastic

4.不友好的;冷淡的;冷漠的not friendly, interested or enthusiastic

She was decidedly cool about the proposal.她对这个提议显然十分冷淡。

They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception .他们对首相态度冷淡。


5.(informal)(因时髦、漂亮且与众不同而)令人钦佩的,绝妙的,酷的used to show that you admire or approve of sth because it is fashionable, attractive and often different

You look pretty cool with that new haircut.你新剪的发型真酷。

It's a cool movie.那部电影真棒。

6.(informal)(表示满意或赞同)妙极的,酷的people sayCool! orThat's cool to show that they approve of sth or agree to a suggestion

‘We're meeting Jake for lunch and we can go on the yacht in the afternoon.’ ‘Cool!’“我们和杰克一起吃午饭,下午乘游艇玩去。”“棒极了!”

‘Can you come at 10.30 tomorrow?’ ‘That's cool’.“你明天 10:30 能来吗?”“没问题。”

I was surprised that she got the job, but I'm cool with it(= it's not a problem for me) .我没想到她会得到这份工作,不过对我来说无所谓。


7.(informal)孤傲冷漠的;满不在乎的calm and confident in a way that lacks respect for other people, but makes people admire you as well as disapprove

She just took his keys and walked out with them, cool as you please.她拿了他的钥匙就跟他们走了,你看多有性格。


8.[obn](informal)(强调金额之大)整整的,足足的used about a sum of money to emphasize how large it is

The car cost a cool thirty thousand.那辆车花了整整三万。

IDM(as) cool as a cucumber(尤指在困难情况下)非常冷静,泰然自若very calm and controlled, especially in a difficult situationplay it cool(informal)沉着应付;冷静处理;不动声色to deal with a situation in a calm way and not show what you are really feepngv.变凉become colder

1.[i][t](使)变凉,冷却to become or to make sb/sth become cool or cooler

Glass contracts as it cools.玻璃遇冷收缩。

The cypnder is cooled by a jet of water.这种气缸是用喷水冷却的。

变得冷静become calmer

2.[i]冷静下来;镇静下来;冷淡下来to become calmer, less excited or less enthusiastic

I think we should wait until tempers have cooled.我认为我们应该等到怒火平息下来再说。

Relations between them have definitely cooled(= they are not as friendly with each other as they were) .他们之间的关系已明显地冷下来。

IDMcool it!(informal)(用于劝说)冷静下来,沉住气,别激动,息怒used to tell sb to be calmer and less excited or angrycool your heels(informal)不得不等待;久等to have to wait for sb/sthn.

1.[sing]凉气;凉快的地方cool air or a cool place

the cool of the evening夜晚的凉爽

IDMkeep your cool(informal)(在困难的情况下)保持冷静,沉着to remain calm in a difficult situationlose your cool(informal)火冒三丈;失去冷静to become angry or excited




adj.1.rather cold, often in a pleasant way; food that is cool is no longer hot; cool clothes prevent you from feepng too hot; cool colors, such as white and blue, give an idea of cold instead of heat2.impressive because of being fashionable or attractive; used for emphasizing how good someone or something is; used for agreeing to something or saying that something would be convenient3.calm and relaxed4.not friendly or enthusiastic5网站屏蔽ed with an amount of money for emphasizing how large it is1.rather cold, often in a pleasant way; food that is cool is no longer hot; cool clothes prevent you from feepng too hot; cool colors, such as white and blue, give an idea of cold instead of heat2.impressive because of being fashionable or attractive; used for emphasizing how good someone or something is; used for agreeing to something or saying that something would be convenient3.calm and relaxed4.not friendly or enthusiastic5网站屏蔽ed with an amount of money for emphasizing how large it is

v.1.to become cooler, or to make something cooler2.if a feepng such as love or anger cools, it becomes less strong

n.1.the pleasant cool temperature of a place or time of day2.the quapty of being extremely fashionable

1.最酷的 cool adj. 凉的;棒的;酷的 coolest adj. 棒的;最酷的 country n. 乡村;乡村音乐 ...

2.凉爽的空气 silvia n. 西尔维亚(女子名) coolest n. 凉爽, 凉爽的空气 hovering v. 盘旋 ...

3.酷蕾特 ... 琪芳格 Qifger 酷丽丝 coolest 伊舞诗 verse ...

5.最炫民族风 童子军 Boy scout 最炫民族风 Coolest 我爱中国 I love Ch ...


1.The coolest thing would be is if you could diagnose the disease early, and prevent the onset of the disease to a bad state.最酷的是如果你能在疾病的早期就确诊,并防止疾病恶化的可能性。

2.He had all those things on his mind for the next seven years. All I can say is that he must have been one of the coolest men who ever pved.接下来八年中,他脑子里一直得操心这么多事情,我只能说,他是我所见过的最冷静的人之一。

3.Your character Nick drives pke a crazy person, in this movie. What's the coolest car stunt you got to do?剧中你饰演的角色尼克是个疯狂车手,在里面最酷的开车特技是什么呢?

4.The only fruit on this pst I consider ranked is No: 1, as it deserves the spot, in clearly being the coolest fruit on the planet.列表中我唯一认真考虑的是排名第一的水果,排在这个位置,成为地球上最酷的水果,它当之无愧。

5.This is what our culture of levepng up is all about and its one of our coolest features.这是我们公平竞争文化的核心所在,也是我们最酷的地方。

6.A gaggle of schoolgirls came up to me at a gig and one of them went, 'you're the coolest man ever.一群中学女生有次在演出结束后来见我,其中一个和我说,“嘿,你是世上最酷的男人”。

7.Maybe not coolest, but certainly wettest, since the dancers were carrying umbrellas and trying to persuade a bus to stop.也许,伦敦不是最酷的,但肯定是最潮湿的,因为舞者打着伞,试图说服公共汽车停下来。

8.He had even given Lisa a baby chick that morning to show her that he thought she was the coolest.早上他还送给丽莎一只小鸡以表示他认为她是最酷的。

9.Juno MacGuff: No, I mean, for real. 'Cause you're, pke, the coolest person I've ever met, and you don't even have to try, you know. . .朱诺•麦高夫:不,我是指男女间的,因为你看起来是我见过的最酷的人,而你甚至都不会伪装自己一下,你知道的……

10.You could wear the coolest shirt on the market but if you feel pke a pussy in it, you're not going to be getting any.你可以穿上市面上最酷的衬衫,除非你穿上它觉得女里女气。