


美式发音: [ˈθʌrəp] 英式发音: ['θʌrəp]




adv.+v.thoroughly understand,thoroughly test,thoroughly investigate,thoroughly search,thoroughly inspect

adv.+adj.thoroughly satisfied





1.非常;极其;彻底;完全very much; completely

We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.我们玩得痛快极了。

I'm thoroughly confused.我完全给搞糊涂了。

a thoroughly professional performance地道的专业表演

2.彻底;仔细;缜密completely and with great attention to detail

Wash the fruit thoroughly before use.把水果仔细清洗过后再用。

The work had not been done very thoroughly.这工作做得不太认真。


adv.1.very mucstrong.very carefully, so that nothing is missed3网址被屏蔽pletely

1.彻底地 grab vt. 抓取,攫取 thoroughly ad. 仔细地;彻底地 bang v. (使)撞击;(使)猛击, 使劲敲 ...

2.完全地 spill v. 洒出, 溢出 thoroughly ad. 完全地 thoughtful a. 体谅的, 顾及他人需要的 ...

3.透彻地 flare 闪烁;发怒 thoroughly 彻底地;透彻地 scatter 四散 ... ...

4.全面地 tension 张力,拉力,牵力 thoroughly 彻底地,全面地 traffic 交通,运输;交往…

5.仔细地 grab vt. 抓取,攫取 thoroughly ad. 仔细地;彻底地 bang v. (使)撞击;(使)猛击, 使劲敲 ...

6.一干二净 15.一心一意 heart and soul 16.一干二净 thoroughly;completely 1.四面八方 in all directions ...

7.彻底的 broadly 广泛的 thoroughly 彻底的 completely 完全的 在 ...


1.Later he found a map, thoroughly, he studied each scenic spots scattered in all the provinces and municipapties.随后,郑昌业找来地图,把中国各个省市的景点细细研究了一遍。

2.The Liverpool manager felt it was a thoroughly deserved victory by his team and was depghted with the overall display.红军主帅认为这是他的球队一场酣畅淋漓的大胜,对整场比赛的表现感到欣喜。

3.Noni did not drink after a few days, Buteng the knee, ribs and shoulder pain also reduced, pain is now a thoroughly good.喝诺丽后没几天,膝盖不疼了,肋骨和肩膀的疼痛也减轻了,现在疼痛彻底好了。

4.It was not only writers, you know, it was a thoroughly representative gathering, science, poptics, business, art, the world.你知道,那不仅是作家,而是各界人士应有尽有的聚会:科学家、政界、商界、艺术界,以及其他各界人士全都来了。

5.Their object remains to investigate the matter thoroughly.他们的目的仍然是彻底调查这一事件。

6."The board was thoroughly advised on what would happen. We all knew this was going to be very difficult, " says one of those involved.“董事会已经被详尽地告知了将会发生的一切。我们所有人都知道这将非常困难,”一名知情人士表示。

7.Though she was thoroughly aware of his insincerity , she much preferred him in the role of the romantic blockade.她尽管十分清楚他不是诚心的,但仍然非常喜欢他扮演的那个浪漫的封锁线冒险家。

8.All the export cargo had been thoroughly examined before shipment. If not up to the standard, the cargo is not allowed to export.所有的出口货物在装船前都被彻底地检查过。如果没有达到标准,货物是不允许出口的。

9.I see that you understand every lesson thoroughly and be able to tell the main idea of each lesson.看得出你完全理解了每节课,也能说出每节课的主要内容。

10.She has thoroughly researched what is involved and asks me to call her to discuss options.她已经彻底研究了相关的方方面面,并叫我打电话给她来讨论。