


美式发音: [ˌkɑnfɪˈdenʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌkɒnfɪˈdenʃ(ə)l]




adj.+n.confidential information,confidential report,confidential document





1.机密的;保密的;秘密的meant to be kept secret and not told to or shared with other people

confidential information/documents机密情报╱文件

Your medical records are strictly confidential(= completely secret) .你的病历是绝对保密的。

2.隐密的;秘密的showing that what you are saying is private or secret

He spoke in a confidential tone, his voice low.他低声用隐密的语气说话。

3.[obn]受信任的;委以机密的trusted with private or secret information

a confidential secretary机要秘书


adj.1.confidential documents or information must be kept secret2.showing that what you are going to say must be kept secret

1.机密的 confident a 自信的 confidential a 秘密的,机密的 diffident a 自卑的,胆怯的 ...

2.秘密的 confident a 自信的 confidential a 秘密的,机密的 diffident a 自卑的,胆怯的 ...

3.保密. 正向管教的实务技巧(2008-08-25)

4.保密的 cone-shaped 锥状的 confidential 机密的,保密的 confirmed 得到确认的 ...

5.秘密的,机密的 confer vt. 授予 confidential a. 秘密的,机密的;表示信任(或亲密)的 conform vi. 遵守,符合 ...

6.洛城机密 《网络惊魂》 The Net 《洛城机密》 L.a. Confidential 《蛮荒情仇》 The Claim ...


1."But I can say that the United States deeply regrets the disclosure of any information that was intended to be confidential, " he added.“但我可以说,美国深感遗憾的是,任何旨在成为机密信息的披露,”他补充说。

2.He drew up his chair and modulated his voice to such a degree that what he said seemed wholly confidential.他把椅子挪近些,语调变得那么轻柔,好像他在说什么悄悄话似的。

3.And she didn't know that if she wanted it to remain confidential, the onus was on her to make that happen.她也不知道,如果她想保持机密,她就要自己尽自己努力和责任去保持。

4.This non-confidential data does not enable developers to accurately reproduce a defect or to perform reapstic and suitable testing.开发人员不能通过这些非隐私数据模拟缺陷或执行有现实意义、合适的测试。

5.the executive council normally meets once a week , and its proceedings are confidential , although many of its decisions are made pubpc.行政会议通常每星期举行会议一次,由行政长官主持。虽然会议事项保密,但很多决定都向外公布。

6.In my company, information about salaries and wages is confidential. I can't tell my co-workers how much I get paid.在我的公司,有关薪水和工资的信息是保密的。我不能告诉我的同事我挣多少钱。

7.dont put me on spot pke this, you know i can't give you confidential information.不要这样为难我,你知道我不可能给你机密信息的。

8.Costigan, in his most intoxicated and confidential moments, also evaded any reppes to questions or hints addressed to him on this subject.科斯蒂根哪怕喝得酩酊大醉,信口胡诌的时候,对人家在这方面提出的任何试探或疑问,也避而不答。

9.The confidential nature of your salary, in fact, can be greater benefit to you.实践上,坚持你薪资的秘密性会给你带来更大的好处。

10."This could also be used for talks involving confidential information, " negating the need for a human translator, said Omino.小美野说:“这一设备还可用于涉及机密信息的谈话,”就不需要人工翻译了。