


美式发音: [kənˈfaɪnd] 英式发音: [kən'faɪnd]








1.狭窄而围起来的small and surrounded by walls or sides

It is cruel to keep animals in confined spaces.把动物关在狭小的空间里是残忍的。



adj.1.a confined space is so small that you cannot move around in it easily

v.1.past tense and past participle of confine

1.被限制的 conference||会议 confined||被限制的 confirm||确定 ...

2.狭窄的 confine v 限制,监禁 confined a 有限制的; 狭窄的 define v 限定;下定义 ...

3.有限的 sophisticated society 高度发展的社会 ... confined 有限的 confinement 限制 ...

4.受限制的 ... 17 ratify v. (正式)批准,认可 19 confined adj. 受限制的 21 barrier n. 障碍 ...

5.分娩的 coherence n. 一致 confined adj. 被限制的,狭窄的,分娩的 erosion n. 腐蚀, …

6.囚禁 ... ) restricted( 限制,后面的三点是造成“负担”的而非限制) ) confined囚禁,限制自由) ) excitement( 兴 …


1.A new study shows the Neanderthal diet was not confined to meat and was more sophisticated than previously thought, the BBC reports.据英国广播公司报道,一项最新研究表明,尼安德塔人的食物不只局限于肉类,他们的饮食习惯要更加复杂。

2.Suddenly, a process that had been confined to countries and continents seems to be going trans-continental.突然间,一个曾经仅限于一国或一个大陆之内的过程,似乎开始横跨大陆了。

3.In two years, cervical cancer has gone from obscure killer confined mostly to poor nations to the West's disease of the moment.两年来,宫颈癌这个主要局限于贫穷国家的无名杀手现已成了西方国家的疾病。

4.Except, of course, a glass of champagne at a wed ding or a hot toddy when confined to bed with a hard cold.当然,在婚礼上喝杯香槟,或者感冒很厉害时上床睡觉前喝杯热棕榈酒,也还是可以的。

5.Violence against women is not confined to a specific culture, region or country, or to particular groups of women within a society.对女性施加的暴力不局限于某种特定文化、地区和国家,也不局限于一个社会中的某一群妇女。

6.His mother confined him to his room for the weekend because he was going to have a final exam in tow weeks.他妈妈周末把他限制在家中,因为两周后他就要参加期末考试了。

7.it was an innocuous remark; confined himself to innocuous generapties; unobjectionable behavior.那是一个无伤大雅的评注;以不得罪人的原则约束自己;无伤大雅的行为。

8.If men quarrel and one hits the other with a stone or with his fist and he does not die but is confined to bed.人若彼此相争,这个用石头或是拳头打那个,尚且不至于死,不过躺卧在床。

9.The best way to avoid heatstroke is to stay out of the sun (or any hot confined place) and drink fluids regularly.防止中暑最好的办法就是不要呆在太阳底下(或任何炎热狭窄的空间)并且经常饮用一些液体。

10.He said though he has not fallen out with new Real coach Fabio Capello, he was unhappy over being confined to the bench.他说虽然他和皇马主教卡佩罗没有吵架(割断交情),但他对于被限制于板凳上而不高兴。