



[ confiscated ]

v. 没收, 充公, 查抄


If you are caught smuggling goods into the country, they will probably be confiscated.


The headmaster confiscated her radio.



形容词: confiscatory | 名词: confiscation | 动词过去式: confiscated | 动词过去分词: confiscated | 动词现在分词: confiscating | 动词第三人称单数: confiscates |



形容词: confiscatory | 名词: confiscation | 动词过去式: confiscated | 动词过去分词: confiscated | 动词现在分词: confiscating | 动词第三人称单数: confiscates |


动词 confiscate:

take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority

同义词:impound, attach, sequester, confiscate, seize

形容词 confiscated:

taken without permission or consent especially by public authority

同义词:appropriated, condemned, confiscate, seized, taken over


1. The Norman Conquer of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers.


2. From 1997 to 1999, China cracked 548 cases of illegal buying, selling and smuggling of precursor chemicals and confiscated more than 1,000 tons of illegal chemical products.


3. In 2001,China launched a nationwide campaign to eliminate illegal firearms,in the course of which large quantities of illegal firearms were confiscated and destroyed.


4. In 2006, Westminster confiscated burners used on tables at Korean restaurants because they did not meet European safety standards.


5. STURP, upon learning of his findings, confiscated McCrone's samples and brought in other scientists to replace him.


6. Once the civil servant breaks the law and violates the disciplines,his promissory right is confiscated and turned over to the state treasury.


7. TV cameras and videotapes belonging to a crew sending footage to Western networks were confiscated and apparently handed over to U.S. authorities.


8. The goods unlawfully imported were confiscated.


9. When cell phones were confiscated in one episode, Blair (well, Dorota) came to the rescue with a gaggle of bubblegum pink cell phones.

不知名手机 某集手机被充公之后Blair用一款泡泡糖似的粉红手机救驾。

10. It is prohibited to take photographs in the waiting area. Any film used for this purpose will be confiscated.


11. Authorities raided the research and civil rights organization, Open Constitution Initiative, (Gongmeng) on Friday. Members say their computers and records were confiscated.


12. To silence criticism of imperial rule, the kings banished or put to death many dissenting Confucian scholars and confiscated and burned their books .


13. Any confiscated weapons at the museum entrance will be stored away by security.


14. They confiscated two gu and a knife hidden in the crowd.


15. They confiscated the weapon,but released Magni to await trial in freedom.


16. Their land was confiscated after the war.


17. Their homes were pillaged and destroyed, their possessions confiscated.


18. The contents of his pockets were itemized and confiscated.


19. He and his books were in frequent requisition as to property confiscated and made national.


20. His passport was confiscated by the police.


21. His property was confiscated for nonpayment of taxes.


22. He says, if net inn sells fake, according to the administrative method of industrial and commercial tradition, it is charter was confiscated.


23. Rigo had confiscated Robin's ligeance so that he had to move away.


24. ARTICLE VIII. Every vessel contravening the above clause, by means of a false declaration, shall be seized, and the vessel and cargo confiscated, as if they were English property.


25. All my goods were confiscated and nothing was left to me that was not taken for the royal treasury, except Anna my wife and Tobias my son.


26. The pug, a Jack Russell terrier, and a West Highland were recently confiscated from a Rome pet shop as part of an investigation conducted by the Italian forestry service.


27. You close my account because of the rule that I have violated you because of carelessness, and has confiscated me the money in an account.


28. Your jewels, gold, silver, and other riches must all be confiscated to the Roman treasury.


29. That vessel shall be confiscated pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 49 of the Regulation on Vessel Registration.


30. If you are caught smuggling goods into the country, they will probably be confiscated.


31. If you were caught smuggling goods into the country, they will probably be confiscated.


32. VIII. In case of offenses in violation of this decision, duly retroactively paid or confiscated property and fines shall be turned to the state coffers without any exception.


33. Other properties confiscated by judicial organs and administrative departments for industry and commerce shall be managed in strict accordance with the relevant state provisions.


34. In particular,the precursor chemicals under the item of pharmaceuticals in Category I as confiscated or tracked downed and seized shall be destroyed without exception.


35. NO other model was confiscated and destroyed like this, even alleged mistakes like the Corvair and Edsel, which are still on the road and still have car clubs and fans.


36. Several months later it will be 5 years old, I have taken it to everywhere and always afraid it will be confiscated or assayed by the policeman who is works in aerodrome.


37. Any illegal profits shall be confiscated.


38. The embezzled or misappropriated public property shall all be recovered; property accepted as bribes and other illegal gains shall all be confiscated.


39. Two notebooks confiscated from former South African president Nelson Mandela during his long imprisonment have been returned to him.


40. They confiscated the weapon, but released Magni to await trial in freedom.


41. Oh, they let you tote that record player down there, huh? I could'a swore they confiscated that stuff.


42. After returning to the office, Wang Min and several colleagues more than 4000 cards which confiscated from the student concentrated recently them.


43. Knowing Mises as the sworn enemy of national socialism, the Nazis confiscated Mises's papers from his apartment and hid them for the duration of the war.


44. In this regard, each jurisdiction will need to consider its policy on the sharing and return of such proceeds that have been confiscated.


45. However my father was kept under house arrest, his bank accounts and private properties including a crude oil export refinery were later confiscated by the sultanate.


46. The property confiscated by the State security organs shall, in any case, be turned in to the State Treasury.


47. The police are professional, even enforcing laws on litter to make Rwanda the cleanest country in Africa; plastic bags are confiscated at the airport.


48. A tiger carcass confiscated from traffickers on their way to the Laotian border is seen at an unknown location in Thailand in this picture released September 23, 2005.


49. Once we had a car accident, and the other party was seriously injured. In order to compensate that person financially the truck was confiscated.


50. About 80 baby girls in Guizhou in the south of the country were confiscated from their families when their parents could not or would not pay the fine.


51. The weapons are taken from the ship by aliens when evacuated, and are not confiscated.


52. British woman has had her stereo confiscated after neighbours complained about her blasting out Dolly Parton hits at top volume around the clock.


53. Early in their career at Hogwarts, Fred and George were in trouble as usual and were in Filch's office when they noticed a drawer marked "Confiscated and Highly Dangerous.


54. And displayed on the wall are car keys confiscated from Palestinian drivers caught breaking curfew.


55. Most of the weapons were then confiscated by the British protectorate government of Bechuanaland.


56. CCTV interview them and even into no factory gate were turned away, and it was almost an interview with CCTV equipment confiscated.


57. If they cannot be confiscated in part orwhole, their price shall be collected or paid in arrear.


58. It kept showing up in the hands of wealthy, influential families, from whom emperors repeatedly recovered it when they confiscated estates during disputes.


59. When punishing a party concerned by confiscating the vessel, the maritime administrative agency shall deal with the confiscated vessel according to law.


60. The motor-driven vehicles and vessels that could not meet the prescribed standards for pollutants discharge shall be confiscated and destroyed.


61. The legitimate property of the victims shall be promptly returned. Contraband and articles of the criminal's own property used for committing the crime shall be confiscated.


62. If a criminal suspect or defendant who has obtained a guarantor pending trial violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the guaranty money paid shall be confiscated.


63. We should make it clear that we shall only appropriately compensate middle peasants for property that has been confiscated.


64. The opening 11 minutes, striker Xie joint Weber frontier closed area on the right side of goal, Arsenal captain Fabien Lukasz court confiscated the ball.


65. To Harry from Fred &George: a toilet seat, confiscated by Madam Pomfrey, however, because she felt it might not be very hygienic.


66. And when Sulla became master of affairs, he could not, either by promises or threats, induce Caesar to put her away, and therefore confiscated her dowry.


67. William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gae it to his Norman followers.


68. The condemned land was used for a highway cloverleaf,the confiscated liquor was poured down the drain.


69. In serious cases, his fishing gear may also be confiscated.


70. In serious cases, his fishing gear may also be confiscated and his fishing licence revoked.


71. Italy: The government recently issued an order requiring all products using DMF as mildew-proof agent to be confiscated and undergo testing.

意大利: 意大利卫生部于近期发布部令,要求对意大利市场上的使用DMF做防霉剂的产品进行没收和检测。

72. I continued with the forbidden. She confiscated my textbooks. I bought new ones. Caught yet again, I was punished.


73. The land behind our house was confiscated by the government.


74. I have now just confiscated a rather curious artifact for Mr. Potter.


75. The teacher confiscated my radio because I was playing it in the classroom.

我在教室里玩收音机, 因此老师把它没收了。

76. Or you hear about a naval vessel that's up for auction or a vessel that's been confiscated by the Customs for smuggling.


77. Goods that may be seized and confiscated by a belligerent if shipped to another belligerent by a neutral.


78. All contraband will be confiscated.


79. All the accused were confiscated in connection with the case according to law Duzi, the proceeds of crime and criminal tools.


80. Any of the notes issued as paper currency in France(1789-1796) by the revolutionary government and secured by confiscated lands.
