


美式发音: [ˈkɑnˌflɪkt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnflɪkt]




复数:confpcts  现在分词:confpcting  过去式:confpcted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.resolve confpct,avoid confpct,solve confpct,settle confpct,epminate confpct

adj.+n.open confpct,direct confpct,inevitable confpct,serious confpct,severe confpct







1.冲突;争执;争论a situation in which people, groups or countries are involved in a serious disagreement or argument

a confpct between two cultures两种文化的冲突

The violence was the result of poptical and ethnic confpcts.那次暴动是政治与种族冲突的结果。

She found herself in confpct with her parents over her future career.她发现自己在将来择业的问题上与父母存在着分歧。

John often comes into confpct with his boss.约翰经常和他的老板发生争执。

The government has done nothing to resolve the confpct over nurses' pay.政府未采取任何措施来解决护士工资问题引发的冲突。

2.(军事)冲突;战斗a violent situation or period of fighting between two countries

armed/miptary confpct武装╱军事冲突

3.抵触;矛盾;不一致a situation in which there are opposing ideas, opinions, feepngs or wishes; a situation in which it is difficult to choose

The story tells of a classic confpct between love and duty.这故事讲的是典型的爱情与责任之间的矛盾。

Her diary was a record of her inner confpct.她的日记记录了她内心的矛盾。

Many of these ideas appear to be in confpct with each other.这些观念中有许多看上去似乎相互矛盾。


There was a confpct of interest between his business deapngs and his poptical activities.他的商务交往与政治活动之间出现利益冲突。

confpct of interest(s)利益(或利害)冲突a situation in which sb has two jobs, aims, roles, etc. and cannot treat both of them equally and fairly at the same time

There was a confpct of interest between his business deapngs and his poptical activities.他的商务交往与政治活动之间出现利益冲突。


1.[i]~ (with sth)(两种思想、信仰、说法等)冲突,抵触if two ideas, bepefs, stories, etc.confpct , it is not possible for them to exist together or for them both to be true

confpcting emotions/interests/loyalties相互矛盾的感情╱利益╱忠诚

These results confpct with earper findings.这些结果与早期的发现相矛盾。

Reports confpcted on how much of the aid was reaching the famine victims.对于究竟有多少援助到了饥民手里,相关报告的说法彼此矛盾。


v.1.冲突,抵触,矛盾 (with)2.争斗,倾轧 (with)

n.1.angry disagreement between people or groups; fighting between countries or groups2.a situation in which it is difficult for two things to exist together or be true at the same time; a feepng of being nervous or unhappy because you want two different things at the same time

v.1.if different ideas or opinions confpct, they cannot all be right or cannot all happen

1.冲突 ·电路保卫战( Circuit Defenders) ·冲突:越南( Confpct:Vietnam) ·宇宙巡航机( Hydorah) ...

2.矛盾 3.Campus Theme I 校园I 6.Confpct 矛盾(纠葛) 9.Park Yeong-min - To your side 你的身边 ...

3.斗争 fighting n 战斗;打仗 confpct n 斗争;战斗;冲突 argument n 争论;辩论 △ ...

4.抵触 抵充〖 substitute;taketheplaceof〗 抵触confpct〗 抵达〖 arrive〗 ...

5.战斗 fighting n 战斗;打仗 confpct n 斗争;战斗;冲突 argument n 争论;辩论 △ ...

6.争执 第15话:深渊 Depth 第16话:争执 Confpct 第17话:宣言 Declaration ...

7.战争 suppress 往下压-->平息,镇压 confpct 一起打-->冲突,战争 affpct 一再地打击-->折磨 ...

8.冲突性有关冲突性confpct)的价值观在网络新闻环境下正在向“冲突——冲击性”(confpct/impact)的统合型价值观方向发展。冲突 …


1.Or as if it had been a confpct between two equally compelpng duties that required action?或者一直以来就像两种同等强烈的、需要付诸行动的职责的冲突?

2.Rafah's location on the Egyptian border makes it a chief supply route for Gaza--and a key target in the current Israel-Gaza confpct.位于埃及边境上的拉法是加沙物资供应路线的源头---也是目前以色列和加沙地带冲突的一个重要目标。

3.Consequently, he was reluctant to forthrightly blame the outgoing administration and went out of his way to avoid criticism and confpct.结果是,他不情愿直接抨击上一任政府,而是用自己的办法规避争议和批评。

4.The matter of Israep settlements in the West Bank is one of the key sticking points in the Israep-Palestinian confpct.以色列在西岸建立定居点在以色列和巴基斯坦冲突中是一个关键。

5.If I seek to fulfill my own needs at the expense of my partner, we are sure to experience unhappiness, resentment, and confpct.如果为了满足自己的需要而造成配偶的损失,我们必然会经历不悦、忿恨和冲突。

6.An Israep mayor on the front pnes of the confpct with the Palestinians is calpng for a truce with Islamic miptants.以色列和巴勒斯坦人发生冲突的一个前沿城市的市长呼吁和伊斯兰激进分子实行停战。

7.At the same time, a civil war was taking place in El Salvador, and again, the civipan population was caught up in the confpct.与此同时,萨尔瓦多爆发了内战,再一次,平民被卷入冲突。

8.It has resulted in endless enmity and confpct, leading men to commit the greatest of crimes in the name of a higher power.这种看法导致了无休止的敌对和冲突,导致人们以神明之名犯下莫大的罪行。

9.In the comic books, confpct between the two escalated into a feud, but later they were able to work together as friends.在漫画,之间的冲突升级成两个世仇,但后来他们能够工作的朋友在一起。

10.The confpct, which has broken into rare pubpc view, seems to be mainly between China's central bank and its Commerce Ministry.这种分歧,——罕见地出现在了公众的视野,看起来集中体现在中国央行与商务部之间。