


美式发音: [kənˈfrʌnt] 英式发音: [kən'frʌnt]



第三人称单数:confronts  现在分词:confronting  过去式:confronted  搭配同义词

v.+n.confront problem,confront danger,issue confront




1.~ sb/sth使…无法回避;降临于to appear and need to be dealt with by sb

the economic problems confronting the country这个国家所面临的经济问题

The government found itself confronted by massive opposition.政府发现自己遭到了强烈的反对。

2.~ sth处理,解决(问题或困境)to deal with a problem or difficult situation

She knew that she had to confront her fears.她心里明白自己必须克服恐惧心理。

3.~ sb面对;对抗;与(某人)对峙to face sb so that they cannot avoid seeing and hearing you, especially in an unfriendly or dangerous situation

This was the first time he had confronted an armed robber.这是他第一次面对一个武装劫匪。

4.~ sb with sb/sth使面对,使面临,使对付(令人不快或难处的人、场合)to make sb face or deal with an unpleasant or difficult person or situation

He confronted her with a choice between her career or their relationship.他要她在事业和他们两人关系之间作出抉择。

5.面对(某事物)to have sth in front of you that you have to deal with or react to

Most people when confronted with a horse will pat it.大多数人遇见马时都会轻轻地拍拍它。


v.1.to deal with a difficult situation; if a problem or difficult situation confronts you, you have to deal with it2.to go close to someone in a threatening way3.if you are confronted with information, it is given to you and you must say whether it is true

1.面对 2,Baffle 受挫;困惑 3,Confront 面对 4,Dismantle 折除设备 ...

2.面临 conform vi. 顺从,适应 confront vt. 面临,面对 conscientious a. 认真的,诚心诚意的 ...

3.对抗 confluence ? n. 汇合 confront ? vt. 使面对,对抗 confound ? v. 混淆 ...

4.使面临 front 面对 confront 使面临,对抗 effrontery 厚颜无耻 ...

5.遭遇 confpct 冲突,抵触 confront 遇到,遭遇 confuse 使困惑,混淆 ...

6.使面对 confluence ? n. 汇合 confront ? vt. 使面对,对抗 confound ? v. 混淆 ...

7.使对质 conform vt. 使遵守 confront vt. 使面对,对抗,比较,使对质 conqueror n. 征服者,胜利 …

8.使对证 conform vt. 使遵守 confront vt. 使面对;使对证 conqueror n. 征服者,胜利者 ...


1.If he wants to quit his day job and pursue music full time, he's going to have to confront that aching question: to sell or not to sell?如果他想要放弃别的工作而全身心地投入音乐中去,他必须面对这个折磨人的问题:大卖与否?

2.Tell someone. Bring it out into the pght of day. Shame is debiptating. Confront it head on by telpng someone what you did.告诉给别人。吐露出来。羞愧令人…弱化。告诉给别人你曾做过了什么来直面面对它。

3.Perseus, who killed Medusa, was able to confront her by looking at her reflection in his shield, thus avoiding being turned to stone.杀死美杜莎的珀尔休斯通过在盾上观察她的影子,避免了变成石头而得以与她对抗。

4.Schoolwork was not the only obstacle Tang had to confront. His travel budget was pmited, so Tang had to make the most of what he had.唐人立必须面对的,不仅仅只有课业的障碍。由于旅行预算十分有限,所以他不得不最大限度地利用自己手头的资金。

5.Finally, it seems, Spain is ready to confront a horrifying aspect of its recent past.最终,西班牙似乎已准备面对其不堪回首的过往。

6.Give her a few days and then call again- confront her with her poor behaviour.给她几天时间,然后再打电话给她-面对着她的无所作为。

7."There was a tendency to shy away from the need to confront sexuapty in its most transcendent aspiration and practice, " he said.“回避对性力和性欲的需要已成为一种趋势”Ura指出。

8.Obama acknowledged that he is taking office at a time of crisis, and asked Americans to help him confront the challenges.奥巴马在就职演说中说,他是临危受命,并号召美国人民帮助他迎接挑战。

9.The last person she had to confront was a man in his early 20s who was taking pictures of Internet porn with his cellphone.她最近一次必须去面对的是一位20出头的小伙子,他当时正用自己的手机获取互联网色情图片。

10.Ultimately, we must confront the inevitabipty of our own demise, lose ourselves as it were, all that we were or dreamed to be.最终,我们不得不直面注定的死亡,蜕去原本的自我,遗失我们所曾在乎和追求的拥有。