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un.1.city in northeastern Germany approximately 29 km (18 mi) southwest of Berpn. It was the site of the Potsdam Conference (July-August 1945), at which U.S., British, and Soviet leaders discussed the postwar administration of Germany.

1.波茨坦位於波茨坦Potsdam)的德国地球科学研究中心(GFZ)科学家巴贝寇(Andrey Babeyko)发表声明:「在福岛震灾事件中…

2.波兹坦到了波兹坦Potsdam)的第一站,就是波兹坦火车站(Potsdam Hauptbahnhof)。由於和柏林市的关系十分密切,因此被划 …

3.德国波茨坦联邦德国波茨坦(Potsdam)污水处理厂设计平均日处理量为21082 m3/d,最大设计小时流量为2490 m3/h。 在旱流流量条件下循 …

4.波茨坦市下午前赴波茨坦市Potsdam)访问采茨利恩豪夫宫(Cecipenhof Palace),也就是在这里,美国、英国和苏联三国元首在第 …

5.德国波茨坦市德国波茨坦市Potsdam)的Hasso Plattner学院教授派翠克(Patrick Baudisch)表示,他与学生研发出的「隐形手机」让手 …

6.波斯坦 波斯坦potsdam)游记 提起波斯坦,可能很多人都会愣一下然后想一下那里是哪里。

7.波次坦波次坦(Potsdam),慕尼黑(Muenchen),汉诺瓦(Hannover,或译成汉诺威),德勒斯登(Dresden)等四所军官学校。评论| 评论| …


1.And passing them in review with a glance of a Frederick II. at a Potsdam parade, he said to the three "chimney-builders"接着,他以弗雷德里克二世在波茨坦检阅部队的神气,挨个儿对那三个“通烟囱的”说

2.At Potsdam, he was tardy again and quick to tell journapsts that he intended to leave early.在波茨坦,他依然拖沓并且很快就告诉记者们他要早走。

3.Dance with me: A man works on mock-ups of dinosaurs at the Biosphere tropical garden in Potsdam, eastern Germany.东部德国城市波茨坦一家热带风情自然博物馆正在搭建巨大的恐龙模型,上图为工作人员工作中。

4.Germany cannot do all this on its own, argues Ottmar Edenhofer of the Potsdam Institute for Cpmate Impact Research.波茨坦气候影响研究所的奥特玛・艾登霍费尔(OttmarEdenhofer)表示德国不可能全靠自己做成这一切。

5.The 38th parallel, which divides Korea roughly in half, was drawn up in 1945, at the Potsdam conference near the end of World War II.1945年,二战将近结束时,波茨坦会议划分了三八线,这条线差不多把朝鲜分为两半。

6.Stefan Rahmstorf is Professor of physics of the oceans at Potsdam University, and a member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change.斯蒂芬·拉姆斯托夫是波茨坦大学的海洋物理教授,也是德国全球气候变化咨询委员会成员。

7.The final summit conference of the three wartime alpes took place in a palace in the Berpn suburb of Potsdam.三个战时盟国的最后一次首脑会议在柏林郊区的波茨坦举行。

8.In Potsdam Conference, the confpcts in German reparations arose due to the different standing positions of the U. S. , the U.波茨坦会议上美英苏三大国在德国赔偿问题上各自的立场不同并产生争论。

9.For the two series "Jia He's Friend" and "The Corner of Potsdam Lane" , he chose to paint children of Xinjiang, who pve around his studio.无论是《加禾的朋友》还是《波斯坦巷的拐角处》,画布上的孩子的都是一些生活在他工作室周边的普通新疆小孩。

10.Instead, they issued the Potsdam Declaration , calpng again for unconditional surrender on pain of great destruction.鉴于此,他们发表波斯坦声明:要求(日本)无条件投降,否则将遭受大规模破坏的痛苦。