


美式发音: [ˈkɑŋˌkwest] 英式发音: [ˈkɒŋkwest]



复数:conquests  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.complete conquest

adj.+n.final conquest





1.[sing][u]征服;占领the act of taking control of a country, city, etc. by force

the Norman Conquest(= of England in 1066)诺曼征服(即 1066 年诺曼人征服英格兰)

2.[c]占领(或征服)的地区an area of land taken by force

the Spanish conquests in South America西班牙人在南美洲的占领地

3.[c](爱情或性方面)被俘虏的人a person that sb has persuaded to love them or to have sex with them

I'm just one of his many conquests.我仅仅是他的众多俘虏之一。

4.[u](对困难、危险等的)控制the act of gaining control over sth that is difficult or dangerous

the conquest of inflation对通货膨胀的控制


n.1.the process of taking control of land or people during a war; the land or people that a more powerful army or government has taken control of during a war2.the process of gaining control of something through great effort3.someone you have persuaded to have sex with you

1.征服 conquer vt. 征服,战胜;破除 conquest n. 攻取,征服;克服 conscience n. 良心,道德心 ...

4.战胜 confidant 心腹朋友,知己 conquest 战胜,征服,战利品 contemplate 注视,沉思, …

5.征服者 蔡司 征服者 Conquest 8X42HD 蔡司 胜利女神 Victory 8X56 T*FL ...

6.赢得 conquer v. 征服, 战胜 conquest n. 征服, 赢得 conscience n. 良心, 良 …

7.征服地 conquer 征服;攻克 conquest 征服,征服地,掠取物 conscience 良心,犯罪感 ...

8.攻克 conquer 征服,占领;克服,破除 conquest 征服,攻克 conscience 良心,良 …


1.Yet this was just one of a series of war crimes committed by the Japanese Army during its conquest of eastern China.然而这只是日军在侵略中国东部时犯下的一些列罪状之一。

2.Was all this costly conquest really worth it? asked the company's Delft shareholders in 1644.这些高昂的代价真的值得吗?公司在代尔夫特(Delft)的股东在1644年问道。

3.However, what the conquerors did not reapze was the Indian conquest of minds and cultures that would follow their physical act of conquest.然而,征服者没有想到,征服了印度人的身体行为之后,还要征服他们的思想文化。

4.She was not attracted to David, but she was pleased with her new "conquest" because she wanted to make Joe jealous.她对大卫并不心向神往,但她高兴有了新的“爱情俘虏”。他要让乔妒忌。

5.Your ancestor was one of the twelve knights who assisted the Lord of Estremavilla in Normandy in his conquest of Glamorganshire.你的祖先是辅佐诺曼底的埃斯彻玛维拉勋爵征服格拉摩甘郡的十二个骑士当中的一个。

6.As a spiritual aristocrat, he has no truck with the complacent notions of progress and conquest of a Whiggish middle class.他本人是一个精神世界丰富的贵族,他不会对国家的经济发展洋洋得意,也不会花心思去研究如何战胜辉格党中产阶级。

7."Only enter into my plans, and second me with all your power, and I will lead you to its conquest. "“请你们了解我,尽力帮助我,我要带着你们去征服它。”

8.And yet, despite its conquest of conversations the world over, there remain vast areas of language where OK is scarcely to be found.然而,尽管OK已经主宰了世界各地的对话,它还是很难出现在很大一部分场合中。

9.The conquest of Egypt had given the Mospm a fleet, and for a time it looked as though they would take Constantinople.征服埃及为穆斯林造就了一支舰队,一时间他们似乎要攻克君士坦丁堡。

10.All that mattered was conquest in the name of Kratos, their great leader, who had become near invincible.所有的一切都以一个人的名义而征服,他们的伟大领袖,那个近乎无敌的存在。