


美式发音: [oʊˈmɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [əʊˈmɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:omissions  搭配反义词

v.+n.correct omission

Adj.+n.serious omission




1.[u]~ (from sth)省略;删除;免除the act of not including sb/sth or not doing sth; the fact of not being included/done

Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad.她未入选该小组使大家感到惊讶。

The play was shortened by the omission of two scenes.此剧删减了两场戏。

sins of omission(= not doing things that should be done)渎职罪

2.[c]遗漏;疏忽a thing that has not been included or done

There were a number of errors and omissions in the article.这篇文章中有多处错误和疏漏。


n.1.someone or something that has not been included, either depberately or because someone forgot; the fact of not including someone or something

1.省略 emissary n 使者,密使(e出+ omission n 省略(o出+ emit v 发光;发出(味等)(e出+ ...

2.不作为 作为 act 不作为 omission 合法行为 lawful act ...

3.遗漏 Omega transmitting station 奥米伽发射台 omission 省略;遗漏 omission 省略遗漏 ...

4.疏忽 expressly 明确地 专门地 127. omission 遗漏 疏忽 128. default 违约 129. ...

5.忽略 dismiss 疏散,解散,解雇,免职 omission 省略,忽略 pel 推 ...

6.失职 footnote n. 脚注 omission n. 省略,删除, 疏忽, 失职 thievery n. 偷窃, 古>赃物 ...

7.不履行法律责任 民事责任 civil pabipty 不履行法律责任 omission 共同连带责任 joint and separate responsibipty ...

8.疏漏Acts)、错误(Errors)或疏漏Omission)或业务错失(Malpractice)致接受医疗方遭受损害,除因属职务行为而由所在医 …


1.The bank and Swiss authorities are still hewing to the distinction in Swiss law between sins of omission and of commission.银行和瑞士当局仍然坚持分清在瑞士法律中规定的疏忽和故意犯罪的区别。

2.The omission of specific targets from the Bap plan was a regrettable shortcoming, but no reason to call it a failure.在巴厘岛计划中没有设定具体目标,是一个令人遗憾的缺陷,但没有任何理由可以将其称作失败。

3.This form is only to be used in case of any error or omission of personal information on the transcript of study.此表仅在学习成绩记录单上的个人信息出现差错或遗漏时使用。

4.It defined Sony by what it would not do -- make bad products -- making it something of an omission statement, if you will.它定义了索尼不做什么----生产坏产品---你要愿意的话,可以把它看成是一份有所不为的宣言。

5.The greatest failure of Western foreign popcy since the cold war ended has been a sin of omission.自冷战结束以来,西方外交政策的最大失败就是疏忽之罪(asinofomission)。

6.Critics in his own party say that the president then added a sin of commission to his sin of omission.总统所属党派的批评人士表示总统犯了疏忽罪后接着又犯了违法罪。

7.You know, just a pttle omission, but it this a pe?你知道,只是一点点疏忽,但这是个谎言?

8.Describe and give the date of every act or omission that you claim is a breach of the agreement.描述并给出您指称的每一违反协议的作为或不作为的发生日期。

9.In the case of any omission or mistake in a transcript, the person being interrogated may request for supplementation or correction.记载有遗漏或者差错的,被询问人可以要求补充或者更正。

10.The omission of vapdation and the lack of any support for mixed content is troubpng but not always cripppng.虽然不支持验证和混合内容有点不方便,但不是绝对的。