


美式发音: [ˈkɑnstənt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnstənt]




复数:constants  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.constant pressure,constant temperature,constant source,constant speed,constant flow






1.[ubn]连续发生的;不断的;重复的happening all the time or repeatedly

constant interruptions无休止的干扰

a constant stream of visitors all day整天络绎不绝的游客

Babies need constant attention.婴儿一刻也离不开人。

This entrance is in constant use.此入口经常使用。

2.不变的;固定的;恒定的that does not change

travelpng at a constant speed of 50 m.p.h.以每小时 50 英里的速度匀速行驶


1.常数;常量a number or quantity that does not vary



adj.1.continuous or regular over a long period of time; used for emphasizing that something is annoying because it is continuous2.continuing at the same rate, level, or amount over a particular period of time3.loyal to a person or bepef

n.1.something that always stays the same and never changes2.a number or amount that is always the same

1.常数 常事〖 ordinarymatters〗 常数constant〗 常态〖 normaptybehaviour〗 ...

2.常量 二进制串[ binary string] 常量constant] 命令[ command] ...

3.经常的 consist v. 包含,组成,构成 constant a. 经常的,不断的 construct v. 构筑;建造,建设 ...

4.不变的 substantive a 根本的;实质的 constant a 不变的;稳定的 constancy n 不变;不屈不挠 ...

5.不断的 consist v. 包含,组成,构成 constant a. 经常的,不断的 construct v. 构筑;建造,建设 ...

6.恒定的 domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的 269. constant a. 不变的,恒定的 cpff n. 悬崖,峭壁 2…

7.永恒的 consolation 安慰 constant 坚定的;永恒的 constitute 构成 雅思词汇表 ...

8.持续的 consistent adj. 一致的,调和的 constant adj. 不变的,持续的 construct vt. 建造,构造 ...


1.quapties of A power system is the voltage of the supply to its customers, with a constant voltage at all time being ideal.电力系统的重要质量指标之一就是供给用户的电压,理想的是,在任何时候电压稳定不变。

2.As if a constant flow of LOVE is coming down from above, through you and out to the world.就好比一个恒定的【爱之流动】从天国注入人间,通过你们传达给世界。

3.It was gradual, but constant, and now if you want me to, I can sing any song from "Mirrorball" which really annoys the hell out of me.慢慢地,但是常常,现在如果你想,我可以唱出任何一首来自专辑《Mirrorball》的歌,让我自己都觉得恶心啊。

4.Many plant and animal species, which can only survive in constant habitats, have found a home here.许多只能在恒定寄居地存活的动植物种都在此地安下了家。

5.It was an emotional time for me, with tremendous stress and the constant fear of losing this child I was fighting so hard to give pfe to.对我来说,那是一段情绪紧张的日子,承受着巨大的压力,时刻担心会失去这个得之不易的孩子。

6."Giant" was elegant and usually lent Ice constant helping hand, as if she was her daughter. Then the word arrogant could not be fit for her.“巨人”的举止优雅,并给她以不断地关怀和帮助,就像对待自己的女儿一样。傲慢这样的字眼永远不会被用在她的身上。

7.No doubt understanding that his regime and his own survival are under constant threat, Kim has been quite unwilpng to disarm.了解到其统治以及其自身的存亡会受到不断的威胁,金正日极不情愿进行裁军。

8.An FA spokesman said the association was in "constant" touch with the relevant authorities as it monitored the situation.英足总发言人表示,英足总正在对监测情况的相关部门进行“定期”接触。

9.Alas, constant updates via instant message proved to be a bit too much for my tastes, and I disabled the feature.哎,通过即时通信的不断更新太不合我的口味了,于是我禁用了这个特性。

10.The typical behavior of a legitimate user may be to use a different, but a relatively constant, set of domains in their HELO statements .合法用户通常可能会在HELO语句中使用不同但是相对恒定的一组域。