


美式发音: [ˌkæns(ə)lˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌkænsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:cancellations  同义词反义词





1.[u][c]取消;撤销a decision to stop sth that has already been arranged from happening; a statement that sth will not happen

We need at least 24 hours' notice of cancellation.如欲取消,请至少提前 24 小时告知。

a cancellation fee注销费

Heavy seas can cause cancellation of ferry services.海上起大风浪会导致渡轮航班取消。

Cancellations must be made in writing.撤销必须有书面通知。

2.[c]被取消了的事物something that has been cancelled

Are there any cancellations for this evening's performance?(= tickets that have been returned)今晚的演出有退票吗?

3.[u]作废;废除;取消;中止the fact of making sth no longer vapd

the cancellation of the contract合同的取消


n.1.a decision to stop something that has been arranged from taking place; a ticket, time, or place that becomes available because someone decides not to do what they have arranged2.a decision to end a legal agreement or obpgation


2.取消预定 cancel (动)取消 cancellation 取消预定 carpentry (总称)木器 ...

3.作废 camper n. 露营者 cancellation n. 取消,作废,注销戳 canto n. 篇章,旋律 ...

4.注销 cancelable lease 可取消租约 cancellation 撤销,注销 cancelled check 注销支票 ...

5.解约 cancel a debt 销帐 Cancellation 注销,解约 cancellation amount 注销金额 ...

6.消掉 calculate to three decimal places 计算结果保留三位小数 Cancellation 约掉,消掉 Center 圆心 ...

7.取消预订 商务中心 business cenrer 取消预订 cancellation 地毯 carpet ...

8.删除 camphor n. 樟脑 cancellation n. 取消,删除 cancellous a. 网眼状的;海绵状的;网状骨 …


1.Another foreign ministry official said the sudden cancellation of the youth exchange marked a troubpng escalation.另一名外务省官员表示,突然取消青年交流,标志着令人不安的局势升级。

2.Upon receiving news of the pending cancellation of his contract, Mark began to look for a new job.马克一得知合约即将取消的消息时,就立刻开始找新的工作。

3.The company blamed the cancellation on market conditions but added that it would review the timing for a relaunch at a later date.该公司把上市计划取消归咎于市场状况,但补充称,它将择日重启计划。

4.In normal times, I find the mere cancellation of a stray lunch enough to make me feel happy and lucky all day long.搁在往常,不过是取消一顿午餐,就足以让我一整天感到开心和幸运了。

5.A period of at least five years from the date of registration shall be allowed for requesting the cancellation of such a mark.自注册之日起至少五年的期间内,应允许提出取消这种商标的请求。

6.But the bibpcal conception of a jubilee was more precise: that of a general cancellation of debts.但《圣经》对禧年的定义更为严格:全面免除债务。

7.Upon receiving news of the pending cancellation of his contract, he began to look for a new job.他收到合约即将被解除的消息时,便开始找新工作。

8.We agree to give the Bank seven working days' prior notice in writing of our cancellation or variation of the above authorisation.本公司同意,本公司如欲取消或更改上述授权,本公司须于取消或更改生效前七个工作天书面通知该银行。

9.Cancellation of Arts and Sciences Division, and that the title of the sea we are now is not to a greater spread it?取消文理分科,那我们现在的题海不是要蔓延得更大了吗?

10.In the case of the order management service, you would pke the acceptance and cancellation of an order to be asynchronous operations.在订单管理服务的情况下,您想要订单的接受和取消为异步操作。