


美式发音: [ˌkɑnstɪˈtuʃ(ə)nəl] 英式发音: [ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃ(ə)nəl]




复数:constitutionals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.constitutional referendum,constitutional provision





1.[obn]宪法的;章程的connected with the constitution of a country or an organization

constitutional government/reform立宪政体;宪法的修改

a constitutional amendment宪法修正案

2.宪法准许的;受宪法限制的;受章程限制的allowed or pmited by the constitution of a country or an organization

They can't pass this law. It's not constitutional.他们无法通过这项法律,它不符合宪法。

constitutional rights宪法规定的权利

a constitutional monarchy(= a country with a king or queen whose power is controlled by a set of laws and basic principles)君主立宪国家

3.[ubn]身体素质的;体质的;体格的related to the body's abipty to stay healthy, be strong and fight illness

constitutional remedies体质顺势疗法


1.保健散步a short walk that people take because it is good for their health



adj.1.allowed by the constitution of a country or organization; relating to the constitution of a country or organization2.relating to your general physical condition, health, and strength

n.1.a walk that you take regularly to stay healthy

1.宪法的 constitution 组成,宪法 constitutional 宪法的 construction 建造 ...

2.构成的 constitute vt. 组成 constitutional adj. 构成的,增强体质的,宪法的,符合宪法的 consul n. 领事 ...

3.拥护宪法的 ... interest 指利息 constitutional adj. 构成的, 增强体质的, 宪法的, 拥护宪法的 context n. 上下文, 文章的前后关系 ...

4.体质的 "构造,体质"," constitution" "全身的,体质的"," constitutional" "狭缩,约束"," constrict" ...

5.立宪的 ... strategy n. 战略;策略 constitutional a. 宪法上规定的;组成的,构成的 provision n. 供应,供应品;条款,规定;给养 ...

7.宪法规定的 ... 10. constitude 构成 形成 建立 11. constitutional 宪法的 宪法规定的 12. consultant 顾问 专科医生 ...


1.The Kosovars reply that this is a constitutional question, not an issue of international law, so the court has no business opining on it.科索沃反驳认为,这是一个宪法问题,而非国际法问题,因此国际法院无权对其进行判决。

2.He said the OAS must issue a clear demand for a return to constitutional order and insist that human rights be respected.他表示,美洲组织发出清晰的要求,让洪都拉斯恢复宪法秩序并尊重人权。

3.The right to freedom of speech and expression could not trump the constitutional right to dignity, said the judge, who happened to be white.恰巧为白人的法官说,言论自由的权利是无法高于高贵的宪法权利。

4.He said if he had broken a law, he should be tried by a civipan court. He demanded this as his constitutional right.他说,如果他违犯了法律,他应该由民事法院对他进行审判。

5.The right to be elected is one of the basic rights of citizenship, and is one fundamental category of constitutional jurisprudence.被选举权是一项非常重要的公民的基本权利,也是宪法学的一个重要范畴。

6.To save money, my parents decpned to go in with us; they sauntered in the big square as if repeating their morning constitutional.为了省钱,我父母拒绝和我们一起进来;他们在外面的大广场上溜达,就好像重复着他们的晨练。

7.He said the constitutional debate was "healthy" and development would take time.他表示,有关宪法的辩论是“健康的”,社会进步需要时间。

8.However, the head of the constitutional council, who's a close ally of Mr said the commission's announcement had been invapd.但是,LaurentGbagbo的亲密盟友,宪法委员会的领导人宣布选举结果无效。

9.A new law came into effect in Alabama that cracks down on illegal immigration , after a judge ruled that it passed constitutional muster.一个新出的将影响阿拉巴马州的法律出台了。此项法律针对镇压非法移民,已由法官判决其符合宪法章程。

10.The criterion for the choice among the constitutional resolutions is one of the basic issues of level analysis of constitutional choices.在立宪选择方案中作出选择的标准是什么,这是立宪选择层次分析的基本问题之一。