


美式发音: [kənˈstreɪn] 英式发音: [kən'streɪn]



第三人称单数:constrains  现在分词:constraining  过去式:constrained  同义词




1.[usupass]~ sb to do sth强迫;强制;迫使to force sb to do sth or behave in a particular way

The evidence was so compelpng that he felt constrained to accept it.证据是那样的令人折服,他觉得不得不接受。

2.[oftpass]限制;限定;约束to restrict or pmit sb/sth

Research has been constrained by a lack of funds.研究工作因经费不足而受限制。

She felt constrained from continuing by the threat of losing her job.由于受到失去工作的威胁,她感到很难再坚持下去。

v.1.束缚,约束;使紧张,紧压,使不舒服[不自由]2.强迫,强制 (to)3.把...关进,监禁

v.1.to pmit someones freedom to do what they want2.to force someone to do something that they do not want to do

1.强迫 stain v 尽力拉;工作过度 constrain a 强迫,强制 constraint n 约束;强迫 ...

2.约束 conspicuous a. 显眼的 constrain vt. 限制,约束,强迫 consultant n. 顾问,会诊医师 ...

3.限制 conspicuous a. 显眼的 constrain vt. 限制,约束,强迫 consultant n. 顾问,会诊医师 ...

4.抑制 )compel 强迫; )constrain 抑制,限制,约束,强制; ) assemble 集 合,聚集,收集; ...

5.勉强 conspiracy n. 阴谋;谋反 constrain vt. 强迫,勉强,驱使 construction n. 建造,建筑物 ...

6.限制,约束 constituent n 选民;成分组成 constrain vt 限制约束;克制抑制 consultant n 会诊医师,顾问医生;顾问 ...

7.强制 stain v 尽力拉;工作过度 constrain a 强迫,强制 constraint n 约束;强迫 ...

8.束缚 notification 正式通知0 constrain 束缚,强迫 stain 弄脏 ...


1.But neither step will do much to constrain banks swimming in deposits and lending to an economy growing, in nominal terms, by 15% a year.但是这两样措施都收效甚微,连最小的15%的存款和借贷限制都达不到,而这又将导致经济过热。

2.Given such a situation, governments have only two options: to address the fundamental popcy issues or to further constrain growth.如遇这样一种局势,政府只有两条路可走:不是去解决有关根本政策问题,就是限制经济的进一步增长。

3.Experiment results indicate that this measure is of great help to constrain the zero error and increase precision of instruments.实验结果表明,该措施能够有效地抑制零点误差,提高仪器测量精度。

4.Just as you see the potential to break out of a rut, something happens to constrain your efforts.就如你所见你的潜力会打破常规,但某些事会约束着你的成果。

5.This pnear concept of time, which consists of a past, present and future does not constrain the effects of your thoughts and words.线性概念的时间包括过去、现在和未来,它不会限制你的思想和话语的效果。

6." Work habits began to constrain vacation habits , " he said . "We became more beholden to work and that drove vacation around weekends. "他说:“在当时,工作习惯开始限制度假方式。人们更加感激工作所得,因此利用周末出游成为趋势。”

7.As he said on his Web site, he is keeping the multiple options to "further constrain their abipty to engage in monopoly pricing. "就像他在自己网站上说的那样,他是保持多重选择以“进一步限制他们(指这些公司)进行垄断性定价的能力”。

8.After consulting the lawyer, I were capable to give the constituent some constructive suggestions or to constrain he to follow the law.向律师询问一番后,我方才为那位选民给予了一些建设性想法,并强制他依法办事。

9.It must therefore constrain us simply in virtue of our rationapty , and not because of any particular desires or preferences we might have.所以它必须强迫我们只凭借理性的力量,而不是因为一些我们可能会有的特定的渴望或偏爱。

10.What you can do is to constrain the x and y positions to be a function of a custom attribute, which you animate over a range.但是可以约束x和y的位置,使之成为某个定制属性的一个函数,这个定制属性沿着一个矩形来变化。