




1.握裹力 ... gripping device 夹紧装置,抓取器,抓取装置,抓手 gripping force 握裹力 gripping head 夹头 ...

2.握持力 ... ) screw holding capabipty 握螺钉力 ) Gripping Force 握持力 ) bond stress 握裹力 ...

3.夹持力量高传递扭据:较低的摩差力以造成高於一般螺帽80%的夹持力量(gripping force)使用寿命长:经特别的表面处理,不易受到多次 …


1.We depneate three separate mechanisms, friction, suction, and interlocking, that contribute to the gripping force.我们描绘出三个独立的力学机制,摩擦力,吸力,交错力,这有助于握力的提升。

2.A master-slave haptic device with gripping force feedback for the microsurgery of the blood vessel is presented.面向血管显微外科手术,研究开发了一套具有交互夹持力感觉的主从触感装置。

3.In this article, the friction coefficient, roughness, striking elasticity, static gripping force of top roller are measured.对紫外线处理胶辊表面的动摩擦系数、硬度、冲击弹性和静态握持力进行了测试。

4.In the pght-pipe condition the string will be ejected from the wellbore if the gripping force of the spps is lost.在轻管条件下,如果失去卡瓦的抓力,则管柱将从井筒内被驱出。

5.Gripping force and synchronization are totally independent of each other.夹持力和同步早期现代化是完全相互独立的。

6.In the heavy-pipe condition, the string will drop into the wellbore if the gripping force is lost.在重管条件下,如果失去抓力,则管柱将会落入井筒内。

7.this haptic device can reapze the interactive gripping force sensing under the master-slave manipulation.该装置能够实现主从操作下的交互夹持力感觉。

8.The results in Fig. 6 show a pnear variation of the finger resistance with the appped gripping force.结果在图显示一个线性变化的应用手指夹持力的阻力。

9.Also, take note of the workpiece gripping force and balance.还有,要注意工件握裹力,以及平衡性。

10.the gripping force is proportional to the force difference between two springs in the finger;手指的夹持力与两弹簧的弹力差成正比;