


美式发音: [kənˈstrʌktɪv] 英式发音: [kən'strʌktɪv]




adj.+n.constructive relationship,constructive atmosphere,constructive view





1.建设性的;有助益的;积极的having a useful and helpful effect rather than being negative or with no purpose

constructive criticism/suggestions/advice建设性的批评╱提议╱忠告

His work involved helping hyperactive children to use their energy in a constructive way.他的工作包括帮助患有多动症的儿童建设性地利用他们的精力。

The government is encouraging all parties to play a constructive role in the reform process.政府鼓励所有的政党在改革过程中发挥建设性的作用。


adj.1.intended to be useful or helpful

1.建设性的 competent 能胜任的; constructive 建设性的 cooperative 有合作精神的; ...

2.建设的 handle 柄,把手; constructive 建设的,建设性的 creative 创造性的 ...

3.积极的 construction n. 建造,建筑 constructive adj. 建设性的,积极的 constructively adv. 建设性地,积极地 ...

4.有建设性的 care, 小心 constructive= 有建设性的。 I am awake, 我现在醒着的。我 …

5.建构 expire 死亡断气 constructive 富有建设性的 destruction 毁灭 ...

7.建构性3.2 建构性constructive)文化语用原则不仅对互动参与者的言行适时监控,而且还对参与者的话语建构进行直接干预或指导 …


1.It noted the usefulness of the work of the SCP and the open forum in March 2006, which had led to a constructive exchange of views.它指出,SCP的工作以及2006年3月举行的公开论坛非常有用,让各方建设性地交换了意见。

2.But taken as a whole, the roadmap appears to be a genuine attempt to be constructive. It is non-partisan, which helps.但总体上来看,路线图似乎确实是真诚地努力想做点实事,而其非政党的特性又有助于此。

3.The money the company devotes to that expansion should buy its executives a few more years for constructive criticism.巴斯夫为扩张计划投入的这笔资金,应当能让其高管再提几年的建设性意见。

4.However, it is possible to turn the stress into constructive energy that will benefit your job search.然而,将这样的精神压力转化成建设性的、对求职有帮助的力量是一件可能办到的事。

5.When responding to constructive criticism, you want to be sure to understand where the person is coming from before you say anything.当你要回应这些建设性的批评意见时,在说话之前你需要确信你懂得他们的话从何而来。

6.China is ready to see Japan playing a bigger and constructive role in international affairs.中方愿意看到日本在国际事务中发挥更大建设性作用。

7.Constructive criticism should be welcomed. Accept whatever seems to make sense to you.欢迎建设性的批评意见,接受那些对你来说是合理,有意义的东西。

8.China will be actively involved in the discussions in a constructive manner, and will work with you to bring the meeting to a success.中国将以建设性姿态参加会议讨论,与各方一道推动会议取得积极成果。

9.Iteration cycles are short and failure is usually considered to be a constructive experience.这之间的间隔周期是很短的,而且失败往往被认为是有意义的经历。

10.However, all this testing is done in a very constructive way without breaking you completely apart during the test.然而,所有试炼都是通过一种非常有建设性的方式而不会在试炼中将你的现状完全打破。