



美式发音: [ˈenəmi] 英式发音: ['enəmi]




复数:enemies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.destroy enemy,attack enemy,defeat enemy,fight enemy,make enemy

adj.+n.natural enemy,enemy aircraft,enemy soldier,powerful enemy,enemy plane






n.1.someone who is opposed to someone else and tries to do them harm; a country that is fighting another country in a war; relating to a countrys enemy; something that harms or threatens someone or something

1.敌人 怀疑, Doubt 敌人, Enemies 妒嫉, Envy ...

2.仇敌 fast bursts 快速射击速度 enemies 只瞄准敌人 friends 只瞄准队友 ...

4.冤家 《二人一晚》2 night 《冤家,一个爱情故事》 Enemies,A Love Story 《慕尼黑》 Munich ...

5.蜜蜂的敌人 ... finding food( 蜜蜂的觅食方式) enemies蜜蜂的敌人) kinds of bees( 蜜蜂 …

6.敌人数组 ... broker n. 掮客, 经纪人 enemies n. 敌人, 仇敌, [集合名词]敌军, [喻]大敌 carbohydrates n. [化]碳水化合物, 醣类 ...

8.敌方单位 ... WALLS - 墙壁 ENEMIES - 敌方单位,仅用于火龙、毒素等 SHRUBBERY - 树木,仅用于火龙 …


1.Some of Mr. Whitefield's enemies affected to suppose that he would apply these collections to his own private emolument.某些怀特菲尔德的敌人倾向这种看法,认为他会把这笔捐款中饱私囊。

2.but it was fortunate that he never knew, or he might have found it more difficult, when on his deathbed, to pardon his enemies.但他幸亏始终不曾发觉,否则,在临终的时候要宽恕他们,可太难了。

3.At this point he lets loose with all the firepower at his command, subduing and then destroying his enemies with demonic fury .在这一刻,他释放在他的掌握下所有力量,在恶魔的愤怒下制服然后再摧毁他的敌人。

4.Just as expected, with him in the lead, soon the enemies lose and go back to their country.正如预料的那样,与他打退敌人,敌人回到自己的国家。

5.A second world country trying to become a recognized industrial nation is bound to make enemies.第二世界的国家试图变成一个公认的工业国家,这肯定会有一些敌人的。

6.The photograph of the leader had been torn down in the night by his enemies.这位领导人的照片在夜晚被他的敌人撕了下来。

7.Rita: You two sure seem to be getting on well. I thought you were arch-enemies. You disagree about everything.莉达:你们俩好像相处得很好,我以为你们是死敌,经常争论不休。

8.I will exalt you, O Lord , for you pfted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me.(大卫在献殿的时候,作这诗歌。)耶和华阿,我要尊崇你,因为你曾提拔我,不叫仇敌向我夸耀。

9.An angel wanted to send the milponaire to hell. "People wanted your money so much that they became enemies. How terrible! " said the angel.天使要把老富翁送进地狱。祂说:“那么多人为了得到你的财产,变成敌人,太可怕了!”

10.Again he complains of bitter persecution from his enemies and entreats God to hear his prayer because of His faithfulness and righteousness.他再次抱怨他的仇敌逼迫他,并且祈求上帝垂听他的祷告,因上帝是信实与公义的。