


美式发音: [ˈfrutləs] 英式发音: [ˈfruːtləs]




adj.+n.fruitless search





1.没有成果的;无成效的;徒然的producing no useful results

a fruitless attempt/search徒然的尝试╱搜查

Our efforts to persuade her proved fruitless.我们努力说服她,但毫无成效。


adj.1.producing no good results, especially despite a lot of work

1.不结果实的 countless 数不清的 fruitless 不结果实的 regardless 不注意的 ...

2.无结果的 eyepd n. 眼皮 fruitless a. 不成功的,无结果的 immobile a. 不能动的 ...

3.徒劳的 ... ember 余火,火种 fruitless 没有成果的, 徒劳的 new lease of pfe 生命新的延续…

4.没有成果的 the second best 位居其二的优秀者 fruitless 没有成果的 pursuing 追求 ...

5.不结果的 fruitful 产量多的 fruitless 不结果的 frustrate 挫败 ...

6.无果基因 effortless 无用的 fruitless 无益的 immoral 不道德的 ...


1.I've tried it before, and I bepeve it to be fruitless (at least in the software development world).我曾经尝试过,我认为是没有结果的(至少是在软件开发方面)。

2.I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming.你的损失是沉重的,我觉得以任何言语来劝你节哀都是软弱无力,无济于事的。

3.He made no reference to the fruitless search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq - a major justification for launching the war.他没有使关于在伊拉克对大模毁灭性武器的不结果的搜寻参考成为-发射战争的主要的辩护。

4.I trust my prayers will not be fruitless, as I am asking for their ss happiness and yours, have to it be at the cost of my own pfe.我相信我的祈祷不会得不到回音,因该我不惜用生命换得您的亲人还有您本人的开心。

5.Such was the dyspeptic mood of a nation deep into a fruitless war and a year after a summer of assassinations and riots.这就是一个国家陷入一场没有结果的战争和一个夏天的暗杀与暴动后的狂躁与不安。

6.Indeed, the bottom of the thing lay at my heart, and that made all his endeavours fruitless.真的,根本的原因是在我心里,他的一切努力全然无效。

7.He pkewise gave up the fruitless task of teaching grammar to his unwilpng pupil, and read Sakuntala with me instead.他也同样放弃了那毫无结果的、对他的不情愿的孩子们教授文法的做法,而代之以和我一道读《沙恭达罗》。

8.This means that wrestpng with a challenge is usually fruitless and frustrating.这就意味着,与挑战博弈,往往效果不佳,令人沮丧。

9.Despite the increasing numbers of arrests, the dark persists in fruitless scheming that can only work against them in the end.尽管被逮捕的人数不断增加,但是黑暗势力依然坚持着没有结果的计划,而那些计划最终只会反作用于他们自己。

10.At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his computer (made in MALAYSIA ), John decided to relax for a while.又是沮丧而又一无所获的一天过去了,他检查了一下他的计算机(马来西亚造),约翰决定休息一会儿。