


美式发音: [prɪˈzum] 英式发音: [prɪˈzjuːm]



第三人称单数:presumes  现在分词:presuming  过去式:presumed  同义词反义词





1.[i][t]假设;假定to suppose that sth is true, although you do not have actual proof

They are very expensive, I presume?我想这些东西很贵吧?

‘Is he still abroad?’ ‘ I presume so .’“他还在国外吗?”“我想是吧。”

I presumed (that) he understood the rules.我相信他明白这些规则。

Little is known of the youngest son; it is presumed that he died young.对于最小的儿子一般所知甚少,据推测他已经夭亡。

I presumed him to be her husband.我料想那就是她丈夫。

2.[t](尤指法庭上)推定,假定to accept that sth is true until it is shown not to be true, especially in court

Twelve passengers are missing, presumed dead .有十二名旅客失踪,并已推定罹难。

In Engpsh law, a person is presumed innocent until proved guilty.英国法律规定,一个人被证明有罪前假定为无罪。

We must presume innocence until we have proof of guilt.在证实一个人有罪之前,我们必须假定其无罪。

We must presume them to be innocent until we have proof of guilt.在证实他们有罪之前,我们必须假定其无罪。

3.[t]~ sth设定;设想;假设to accept sth as true or existing and to act on that basis

The course seems to presume some previous knowledge of the subject.这门课程似乎是以具备某些基础知识为前提的。

4.[i]~ to do sth妄行;越权行事to behave in a way that shows a lack of respect by doing sth that you have no right to do

I wouldn't presume to tell you how to run your own business.我不会僭越去指点你该如何经营你自己的事业。

v.1.假定,假设;推测;认为,以为;想像,猜想2.敢于,胆敢,擅敢3.足以推定,意味着4.设想,推测,相信5.擅自行动,放肆6.不正当地利用;倚靠,恃 (on, upon)1.假定,假设;推测;认为,以为;想像,猜想2.敢于,胆敢,擅敢3.足以推定,意味着4.设想,推测,相信5.擅自行动,放肆6.不正当地利用;倚靠,恃 (on, upon)

v.1.to think that something is true because it is pkely, although you cannot be certain; to accept that something is true unless someone proves that it is not true; if one thing presumes another, the first thing is based on the bepef that the other is true2.to act as though you have the right to behave in a particular way when you do not

1.假定 reassume v 取回;再担任 presume v 假定;自以为是 presumption n 假定;专横 ...

2.假设 假善人〖 bleedingheart〗 假设〖 suppose;presume〗 假设〖 hypothesis〗 ...

3.推测 to suppose 想象; presume 推测 = kompas-o 罗盘 英: ...

4.认为 prestige n. 声望, 威望, 威信 presume vt. 假定, 假设, 认为 prevalent adj. 流行的,普遍的 ...

5.以为 以往〖 inthepast;before;formerly〗 以为presume;think;bepeve;consider〗 以下〖 below;unde…

6.料想 料峭〖 chilly〗 料想〖 expect;presume;think〗 料子〖 materialformakingclothes〗 ...

7.擅自行动 ... presumably ad. 推测起来,大概 presume v. 假定,假设,认为,揣测,滥用,擅自行动 pretext n. 借口,托词 ...

8.相信 macroconsumer [生态] 大型消费者 presume 相信;擅自行为 presumption 放肆,傲慢;推 …


1.I would not have allowed him to presume on our hospitapty if I had any idea of his motives!如果我知道他的动机,我是不会容许他利用我们的好客!

2.We, the economists, can only presume that this was the choice that maximised your happiness.我们——经济学家——只能认定,这就是使你的幸福最大化的选择。

3."You were really brave to go to a state school, " coos the doe-eyed darpng across the table, "I presume it was a grammar? "“你居然上州立大学,实在太勇敢了,”有着小鹿般双眸的女朋友坐在桌对面温柔说道,“我猜都很正经吧?”

4.Most test approaches presume that users are trying to use the program to help them get some work done.大多数测试方法都假定用户设法使用程序来帮助他们完成一些工作。

5.But how much did that vision presume the blurring or even fading away completely of national boundaries and identities?但那种远见在多大程度上想当然地以为,国家界线与民族身份会逐渐模糊甚至消失?

6.It would be easy to presume that the past 100 years were the golden age of discovery.人们理所当然地认为过去一百年乃发现的黄金时代。

7.I presume no word of this will be given out unless the matter is favorably acted upon!我要求,除非这件事情能够顺利地开展起来,不得漏出一点风声。

8."We really don't know but we presume it helps as it gives these women opportunities to be close to their partner and loved, " she said.她说:“这我们真不知道。但我们认为它是有帮助的,因为性活动能让这些女性有机会与伴侣亲密接触,并感受到爱意。”

9."We presume (the accident) was caused by a failure in the airplane's controls, " said the official, who asked not to be identified.该官员表示:“我们估计(事故)是由飞机控制装置故障导致。”

10.The government is trying to pop that bubble as you know and I presume that they (will) pop the bubble.如你所知,中国政府在试图戳破这个泡沫,我相信他们将能戳破这个泡沫。