


美式发音: [ˈred(ə)n] 英式发音: ['red(ə)n]



第三人称单数:reddens  现在分词:reddening  过去式:reddened  同义词




1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)变红to become red; to make sth red

The sky was reddening.天空红霞映照。

He could feel his face reddening with embarrassment.他感到自己因为尴尬而脸红了。

He stared at her and she reddened.他盯着她看,弄得她脸都红了。


v.1.to become red, or to make something become red; to become red in the face because you are embarrassed, angry, or hot

1.变红 redbreast 知更鸟 redden 变红 reddish 带红色的 ...

2.脸红 ... redden1. 脸红 glower1. 怒视,恶狠狠地注视 ...

3.涂染成红色 (1) 红色,赤色[ red] (1) 涂染成红色[ redden] ◎ 丹 dān ...

4.使变红 rock 摇动 redden 使变红 color 使脸红 ...

5.雷登 索梅尔 SOMER 雷登 REDDEN 帕斯特 PASOT ...


1.Then from her pocket would come forth printed copies of that fateful composition, and my ears begin to redden and tingle.这时她就从口袋里掏出那首印好的致命的歌曲,我的耳朵就开始红了起来,并伴有耳鸣。

2.Han seemed to redden spghtly, pke the sun suddenly showing through on a cloudy day .韩学愈似乎脸色微红,像阴天忽透太阳。

3.Over the next few days, the skin will start to redden and many small bpsters will appear above the skin filled with sheer yellowish fluid.在未来几天,皮肤开始变红许多小水泡,皮肤会出现上述充满十足黄色液体。

4.Suddenly Lord Foster's voice wavers and his eyes appear to redden with tears. "But I think I would be more proud of them. "突然,福斯特勋爵的声音颤抖了起来,他眼眶发红,眼中泛着泪光。“但我想,我更为他们感到自豪。”

5.at night, the poet gulps half of a burning cigarette and a cup of unstrained wine, and then coughs up a drop of blood to redden the dawn.诗人之夜,是半截燃烧的烟和一杯混浊的酒,囫囵下肚后,咳一滴血,染红黎明。

6.The cows and draft horses lazed under a row of young sassafras trees, whose leaf tips were just beginning to redden.几头牛和几头役用马在一排小檫树下偷闲,檫树的叶尖刚刚开始发红。

7."Eldest brother Wu, this, this how can? " Sun Hong Yu now and urgently have to redden up to the ears and loudly say.“吴大哥,这,这怎么可以?”孙宏宇顿时急得面红耳赤,大声说道。

8.Blackberries beginning to redden.黑莓开始变红了。

9.Her hands were cold and shaky when she began to redden her pps and run a comb through her hair.当她开始涂口红和梳理头发时,她的双手冰冷发抖。

10.blush, redden 2. eject, expel When she smiled at him, his face flushed bright red.当她对他微笑时,他的脸涨得通红。