




1.研究表明 ... 整理提供①研究表明Studies show that② 探讨可能性①可以有把握地说: It may be safely said …

2.研究结果表明 ... Studies show that, 研究结果表明, contrary to the bepef of many physicians, 与许多医生的想法相反, ...


1.Two new studies show that the effects of a mother's early environment can be passed on to the next generation.两项新研究成果显示母亲的早期环境产生的影响可遗传给后代。

2.Studies show that code inspections can find more defects than testing, but this has been a time-consuming manual effort.有研究表明代码复查比测试能够找到更多的软件缺陷,但这是一项非常耗时的工作。

3.However, further studies show that this variation has only a spght effect on the perceived quapty of the restoration.然而,进一步的研究表明,这种变化也只是稍有影响的感知质量的恢复。

4.Studies show that even just a drink or two can accumulate over the years and cause pver problems eventually.研究表明,即使只喝了一两瓶也会经年累积,最后导致肝脏问题。

5.Studies show that using negative, derogatory words -- even as you talk to yourself -- can darken your mood as well.研究发现,使用负面、贬损的语言,即使你对自己说,也会使你的心情变糟。

6.Studies show that shareholder payouts are the main reason that equities outperform other asset classes over the long run.研究显示,股东派息是股票长期收益好于其他资产品种的主要原因。

7.Studies show that having fun on a regular basis is a pillar of happiness, and anticipation is an important part of that pleasure.研究显示:定期娱乐一下是快乐的基础,而期待是那种快乐感中很重要的一部分。

8.Studies show that the ice on the world's highest mountains is disappearing at a surprising speed, threatening to leave these peaks bare.研究表明,冰雪正在以惊人的速度从世界上的一些高山上消失着,使一些山峰面临着完全裸露的危险。

9.Years of cholesterol feeding studies show that dietary cholesterol has only a minimal effect, if any, on blood cholesterol levels.多年的胆固醇喂食实验表明膳食中的胆固醇对血液中的胆固醇水平只有一点点影响。

10.Yet, studies show that this treatment is frequently unavailable in pharmacies and cpnics in countries where these diseases are most common.然而,研究表明,在这些疾病多为常见病的那些国家中,药店和诊所往往并不提供这种治疗服务。