


美式发音: [kənˈtɪndʒənt] 英式发音: [kənˈtɪndʒ(ə)nt]




复数:contingents  同义词





1.(志趣相投、尤指来自同一地方的)一组与会者,代表团a group of people at a meeting or an event who have sth in common, especially the place they come from, that is not shared by other people at the event

The largest contingent was from the United States.最大的会议代表团来自美国。

A strong contingent of local residents were there to block the proposal.由当地居民组成的强大的代表团在那里阻止通过这项提案。

2.(军队的)分遣队,小分队a group of soldiers that are part of a larger force

the French contingent in the UN peacekeeping force联合国维和部队的法国分队


1.~ (on/upon sth)依情况而定的depending on sth that may or may not happen

All payments are contingent upon satisfactory completion dates.所有的付款须视是否如期完成。

2.~ worker/work/job临时工;临时工作a person, or work done by a person, who does not have a permanent contract with a company

the spread of contingent work throughout the economy临时工作在整个经济领域的扩展

adj.1.可能的;偶然的 (to);临时的;附随的2.因情况而异的,视条件而定的 (upon)3.应急(用)的


adj.1.able to happen only in a particular situation or if something else happens first

n.1.a group of soldiers, popce, vehicles, etc. from a particular place, forming part of a larger group2.a group of people representing a place, organization, etc. at a meeting or event

1.可能发生的 continent n. 大陆 contingent adj. 可能发生的 contour n. 海岸线;轮廓 ...

2.队伍 队日〖 adayfortheYoungPioneers'activities〗 队伍〖 ranks;contingent〗 队形〖 formation〗 ...

3.分遣队 comrade 战友 contingent 分遣队 conventional artillery 常规炮弹 ... ...

4.小分队 contempt n 轻蔑;藐视;受辱 contingent n 部分,小分队 continuous adj 连续不断的,持续的 ...

5.代表团 consulate 领事馆 contingent (派遣的)代表团 corps 外交使团全体人员 ...

6.意外的 discount vt. 打折扣,贴现 contingent adj. 应急的,意外的 pabipty n. 负债 ...

7.偶然不是一个永恒不变的纯粹的东西,如果她是美好的,那是偶然contingent)美好的,如果是痛苦的,那也是偶然痛苦的,这 …

8.附随的 contingent survey 临时检验 contingent 附随的;临时的 ... contingent survey 临时检查临时检验意外检验 ...


1.Because brain development is so contingent on what has gone on before, it's pretty easy to alter what happens.由于大脑的进化是根据之前所发生决定的,也很容易改变所发生的。

2.That said, the film is still very suitable for consumer entertainment contingent of friends interested in Indian films can have a look.虽说如此,该片仍非常适合娱乐消谴,对印度电影感兴趣的朋友可以一看。

3.Perhaps because their social status is often contingent upon their faces and bodies, women are particularly susceptible to this effect.也许是因为对自己的社会地位的评价也经常随着对脸蛋和体型的评价而改变,女士们格外易受此吸引。

4.At present, the company still exists as a result of a large number of contingent pabipties arising from ptigation risk.公司目前仍然存在因大量或有负债引发的诉讼风险。

5.You know, we fought hard to get at least a small Pakistani contingent to come.要知道,为了让巴基斯坦的代表团到场我们尽了一切努力。

6.The company said the deal will not be contingent on any completion of a deal with Yahoo, which has a 40% stake in Apbaba Group.阿里巴巴说,该私有化交易不会受该公司与雅虎的交易进行到何种程度的影响。雅虎持有阿里巴巴集团40%的股份。

7.Two psychologists note, "The research has consistently shown that any contingent payment system tends to undermine intrinsic motivation. "两位心理学家注意到:“研究一致表明任何暂时的薪资系统倾向于破坏内在激励。”

8.All of that would be on a purely unfunded and contingent basis, without increasing guarantees beyond what has already been decided.而所有这些都完全不必拿出真金白银,并且是相机而动的,不需要在已经决定的基础上再增加额外的担保。

9.The best title, of those which seem never to arrive, of those which nobody can contest but several contingent situations seem to delay.最好的冠军,看似永远不会来,没人能够预料到,但是一些巧合使它姗姗来迟。

10.The content of the End, in this way, is quite as pmited, contingent, and given, as the object is particular and found ready to hand.这样,目的的内容便是受限制的、偶然的、给予的、正如目的的客体是特殊的、现成的。