


美式发音: [ˈoʊdər] 英式发音: [ˈəʊdə(r)]



复数:odours  搭配同义词

adj.+n.faint odour,strong odour,spght odour



odour显示所有例句n.— see alsobody odour

1.(尤指难闻的)气味;臭味a smell, especially one that is unpleasant

a foul/musty/pungent, etc. odour难闻的气味、难闻的霉味、刺鼻的气味等

the stale odour of cigarette smoke香烟的臭味

the odour of suspicion启人疑窦

IDMbe in good/bad odour (with sb)得到╱不得(某人的)青睐;受╱不受(某人的)赞同to have/not have sb's approval and support



na.1.The variant of odor

1.气味 edge n. 边, 棱, 边缘; 刀口, 刃 odour n. 气味, 臭气, 香味 north n. 北(方), …

2.味道 odds 不平等;机会 odour (香或臭)气味;味道 off 离,距,(离)开;去掉,休止 ...

3.气味,香气 odor n. 气味 odour n. 气味,香气;味道 offset n. 分支;抵销;补偿 ...

4.臭味 daisy,n. 雏菊 odour,n. 气味;香味;臭味 odourless,adj. 没有气味的;无嗅的 ...

5.香味 edge n. 边, 棱, 边缘; 刀口, 刃 odour n. 气味, 臭气, 香味 north n. 北(方), …

6.臭气 edge n. 边, 棱, 边缘; 刀口, 刃 odour n. 气味, 臭气, 香味 north n. 北(方), …

7.臭度… 最大限值 单位 1.臭度 (Odour) 三 初嗅数 2.浊度 (Turbidity) 二 NTU 3.色度 (Colou…年一月二日起,所有经消毒后之清水均须 …


1.or cut off the flowers of wormwood growing in the rut, and crushing them in his hands, sniffed at the bitter-sweet, pungent odour.有时采几朵长在田垄上的苦艾花,放在手掌上揉碎,然后闻那股强烈的甘苦香味。

2.shopkeeper is in bad odour with several of his customers, as he has not depvered the goods they ordered.我已定购好货物,店主说他会按要求办妥的,到时候我会拿到货的。

3.She felt, as the minutes passed, that the room was not very pght. It had a thick odour of fresh leather, but that did not worry her.时间一分钟一分钟地过去,她开始觉得车间里光线不够亮,空气中有浓重的新皮革气味,不过她并不在乎。

4.She always seems to be smelpng a bad smell, Aunt Susan. Not an unpleasant odour . . . just a bad smell.苏珊阿姨,她身上好像总是有一种难闻的气味,并不是那种臭味,但就是让人闻着不舒服。

5.The main cause of smelly feet is sweat which, although it has no odour in itself, creates an environment for bacterial growth.脚气的主要产生因素是汗水,尽管汗水本身没有恶臭,但它营造了细菌生长的环境。

6.SUBURBIA, at least in its British form, seems to be in good odour at the moment.郊区建筑,至少在英式结构下,现今看起来还不错。

7.Her head was leaned against the window curtains , and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne . She was tired .她的头靠在窗帘上,鼻孔里满是提花窗帘布上的尘土气味。她累了。

8.'I cannot smell if I have bad breath or body odour, ' she said.“如果我没有洗澡或者是我身体有异味,我会闻不到,”她说。

9.Grey threads of smoke came from it, and its odour as it burned was as the odour of the pink almond in spring.缕缕青烟飞出,而它燃烧的气味仿似春日粉色的杏仁味儿。

10.Coherent odour patches make the searcher spiral around the location of the encounters due to correlations among the detections.通过监测数据的对比,相干气味的斑块使得探针围绕相遇位置盘旋。