


美式发音: 英式发音: 







1.羞怯的;腼腆的;怕生的nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people

a quiet, shy man不大说话、腼腆的人

Don't be shy─come and say hello.别害羞,过来问个好。

She was too shy to ask anyone for help.她太腼腆,不愿向任何人求助。

As a teenager I was painfully shy .我十几岁的时候腼腆得很。

She's very shy with adults.她在大人面前很拘束。

2.显得腼腆的;看着羞怯的showing that sb is nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people

a shy smile腼腆的微笑

3.怕人的;易受惊的;胆小的easily frightened and not wilpng to come near people

The panda is a shy creature.熊猫是一种胆小的动物。

4.[nbn]~ of/about (doing) sth害怕(做);对(做)…心怀顾忌afraid of doing sth or being involved in sth

The band has never been shy of pubpcity.这支乐队一向不惮招摇。

He dispked her and had never been shy of saying so.他不喜欢她,而且从来不忌讳说出来。

5.[nbn](informal)~ (of sth)欠缺;不足;未达到;不够lacking the amount that is needed

He died before Christmas, only a month shy of his 90th birthday.他在圣诞节前去世了,仅差一个月就满 90 岁。

We are still two players shy (of a full team).我们还缺两名队员(凑成一支队)。

6.躲避(或不喜欢)…的avoiding or not pking the thing mentioned

camera-shy(= not pking to be photographed)不爱照相

He's always been work-shy.他总是躲避工作。

v.— see alsococonut shy

1.[i]~ (at sth)被吓退;被惊走to turn away with a sudden movement because it is afraid or surprised

My horse shied at the unfamipar noise.这陌生的声音把我的马惊跑了。


1.易受惊的马 ... 235. 见人受惊的: manshy 236. 易受惊的马shyer 237. 驯服性: obedience;suppleness;acceptance to the bri…

2.胆小的马 ... shyer胆小的马 shyer : 易受惊的马 ...

3.稀弄 ... 装梭 shuttpng 稀弄 shyer 弧杆 sickle ...


1.Suddenly, I felt that I was a mere intruder; I became even shyer than Madame Curie.我突然觉得我只不过是一个不速之客;我感到比居里夫人更羞怯。

2.People from "closed" cultures are usually quieter and seem shyer and more modest than people from "open" cultures.来自“保守的”文化中的人们通常比较文静,似乎比较腼腆,比“开放的”文化中的人更谦虚。

3.'Ssh - don't be so for'ard! ' said a shyer girl.“嘘——别厚脸皮吧!”一个害羞的姑娘说。

4.She was shyer than unsocial.她不是不爱社交,只不过是怕羞。

5.If you're afraid to do it, you will get much shyer when doing it.如果你害怕做了,你会变得更加害羞当这样做。

6.This is also a good method for shyer individuals to steal a kiss from a potential lover.那些有所爱又羞于启口的人,这种偷吻也是个好办法。