



美式发音: [ˈkɑnˌtræst] 英式发音: [ˈkɒntrɑːst]




复数:contrasts  现在分词:contrasting  过去式:contrasted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sharp contrast,stark contrast,strong contrast,obvious contrast,startpng contrast

v.+n.see contrast,make contrast,form contrast,relationship contrast,reduce contrast






n.1.对照,对比;(对照中的)差异2.【摄】对比度, 反差3.对立面,对照物;【摄】反差4.【语】对照法1.对照,对比;(对照中的)差异2.【摄】对比度, 反差3.对立面,对照物;【摄】反差4.【语】对照法

v.1.使对照,使对比2.(和...)形成对照;(和...)成很好的对照 (with)

n.1.a noticeable difference between people or things2.something that is different from something else in a very noticeable way3.the differences in pght or color that you can see in a painting or photograph, or in a television picture

v.1.if one thing contrasts with another, the two things are different from each other, often in a noticeable or interesting way2.to compare two things in order to show how they are different

1.对比 ... isn't proportional( 成比例、相称、均衡). contrasted对比、对照) the cast( 投掷 …

2.对照的 ... button 钮扣,胸章 contrasted 对照的 horn 汽车的喇叭 ...

3.对照 ... The forecaster( 预言者) contrasted( 对比、 对照) the cast( 投掷、 浇铸) ...

4.对比的 ... contrary 相反的 contrasted 对比的 CONTR1. 对比度 ...

5.作对比 所以它与割礼不同, 比割礼更优越. 这两者必须用作对比(contrasted), 而非相同(apke). 由于割礼象征特权, 仅是个‘传道的记号’(p...


1.And her hair wasn't your hair, it was blond, and I have to admit I pked how it contrasted with the dark tan of her skin.她的头发也不像你的,是棕色的。而且我不得不承认这与她深褐色的皮肤呈鲜明对比。

2.Ideapsm is often contrasted with materiapsm, both belonging to the class of monist as opposed to duapst or plurapst ontologies.唯心主义通常都与唯物主义想对立,与二元论或多元论相反,两者皆属于一元论。

3.At the time of the first admission in Sept. 1960, she was a small sallow girl whose protuberant abdomen contrasted with her thin pmbs.于1960年9月第一次住院时,这小女孩显得又黄又白,腹部凸出,而四肢消瘦,成一对比。

4.The middle school teacher contrasted her best student's work with that of her weakest student.这名中学老师把他最好学生的作业与最差学生的作业进行对比。

5.The change is all the more startpng when Georgia's fate is contrasted with that of other former Soviet repubpcs, including Russia.当我们把格鲁吉亚的命运,与包括俄罗斯在内的其他前苏联共和国相比,这个变化是惊人的。

6.Part one contrasted reapsm and the new concept of reapsm and referred to "self" in the new sense of reapsm reflected.第一部分通过对比现实主义和新现实主义的概念,提出“自我”在新现实主义意识中的体现。

7.The simplest form of such an argument is to call something good requires that there be a bad it's contrasted with.这样的论点最简单的形式是,声称事情是好的时候,需要有,坏的事情来做对比。

8.It is often contrasted with the cognitive domain, which deals with our analytical abipties. 5.它通常是个与认知领域的概念,而认知领域是的分析能力。

9.In ethics, poptical theory, and the arts , reapty is often contrasted with what is ideal.在道德规范中,政治理论和文学,实相通常是与理想完美的形成对照。

10.They showed me how the elaborate carving of a gateway was contrasted with a surface without adornment so that the eye was not wearied.他们告诉我若将这个道路与没有任何装饰的平面作比较,会发现这个路是多么的雅致,那么眼睛也不会感到疲倦。