



美式发音: [smoʊk] 英式发音: [sməʊk]




复数:smokes  现在分词:smoking  过去式:smoked  搭配同义词

v.+n.smoke cigarette,smoke pipe,choke smoke

adj.+n.thick smoke,heavy smoke,pght smoke,acrid smoke




v.1.烟,熏;冒烟;冒水蒸气;(烟似地)袅袅上升2.吸烟,抽烟3.〈俚〉吸大麻4.发火,生气 (against) 〔学生语〕脸红5.迅速地走(致使尘土飞扬)6.〈古〉受苦,受罚7.〈美俚〉开枪8.吸(烟),抽(烟),抽烟而...9.〈俚〉吸(大麻毒品)10.用烟熏,熏脏,熏黑;熏走,熏死(虫等);熏制11.〈美俚〉开枪打,射击12.〈古〉发觉;怀疑;〈美〉查明,使说出秘密13.〈古〉嘲弄,欺负,欺骗1.烟,熏;冒烟;冒水蒸气;(烟似地)袅袅上升2.吸烟,抽烟3.〈俚〉吸大麻4.发火,生气 (against) 〔学生语〕脸红5.迅速地走(致使尘土飞扬)6.〈古〉受苦,受罚7.〈美俚〉开枪8.吸(烟),抽(烟),抽烟而...9.〈俚〉吸(大麻毒品)10.用烟熏,熏脏,熏黑;熏走,熏死(虫等);熏制11.〈美俚〉开枪打,射击12.〈古〉发觉;怀疑;〈美〉查明,使说出秘密13.〈古〉嘲弄,欺负,欺骗

n.1.a gray, black, or white cloud produced by something that is burning2.the process of smoking something, especially a cigarette; a cigarette

v.1.to suck smoke from a cigarette, pipe, etc. into your mouth and lungs; to smoke cigarettes as a regular habit2.to produce smoke; if a fire smokes, it produces a lot of smoke3.to preserve and give flavor to fish or other food by hanging it in smoke

1.烟雾 smokeless powder 无烟火药 smokes 烟雾 smoothness 平滑度 ...

2.吸烟 gallon n. 加仑 smokes n. 烟, 烟尘, 烟幕v.抽烟, 吸烟 smoking n. 抽烟, 冒烟 ...

3.烟尘 gallon n. 加仑 smokes n. 烟, 烟尘, 烟幕v.抽烟, 吸烟 smoking n. 抽烟, 冒烟 ...

4.烟剂 small glass method 小杯法 smokes 烟剂 smoking 熏烟法 ...

5.烟图片 ... 微笑狗图片 Smipng Dog 烟图片 smokes 老城市图片 Old city ...

6.烟类 ... 人头马XO 700ml VSOP XO 700ml 烟类 Smokes 中华软包 China Soft Roll ...

7.东方航空冒烟 ... Beijing to YunNan China 北京飞云南 smokes 东方航空冒烟 Beijing to WuHan China 北京飞 …


1.It turns out that this smokes the regex competition when there is only a bit of whitespace on the ends of the string.当字符串末尾只有少量空格时,这种情况使正则表达式陷入疯狂工作。

2.Send for his wife's cell phone voice a bit, standing around me smokes and tea, tea looked a pttle pale.局长夫人送的手机声音有点大,烟尘和红袖在我身边站着,红袖的脸色有点苍白。

3.Shun cigarette smoke, separate yourself from smokers. Become a nag and tell anyone you know who smokes to stop.不吸烟,远离吸烟人群。变成一个爱唠叨的人,告诉所有你认识的人不再吸烟。

4.Within five years of quitting, your risk of dying from lung cancer will drop to half that of someone who smokes a pack a day.戒烟5年,相比那些一天一包烟的人,死于肺癌的几率减少一半;

5.Turner hot smokes his eels and sells them to passersby, as well as to restaurants and retailers, earning him up to $20, 000 a year.特纳热熏鳗鱼,然后卖给过路人以及餐馆和零售商,每年能挣两万美元。

6.'No sense pulpng up the entire floor for one pack of smokes , ' he said to himself.“为了那么一包香烟,没有必要把整个地面都掀翻一遍。”他暗自想道。

7.Under the regulations, anyone who smokes or pghts an open flame in a hazardous situation can be subject to up to five days detention.按照新法规,在具有火灾、爆炸危险的场所吸烟、使用明火的,情节严重者可处五日以下拘留。

8.Candidate C: He is an honored war hero and a vegetarian. He seldom smokes and will only drink a bit beer occasionally. H.候选人C:他是一位受勋的战争英雄,素食主义者,不抽烟,只偶尔喝一点啤酒。从没有发生婚外情。

9.Anyway and first see with check with this young girl surrounding Diao for a while in this apartment the person whom this smokes cigarette.反正先把这个吸烟的人在这幢公寓和与这个少女周围凋查一下看看吧。

10.I hate to break this to you ladies, but men need an outlet. A few dart, beers, and smokes in moderation are not that bad.我不得不说,男人需要发泄,玩几次飞镖,喝几杯啤酒和偶尔抽几根烟,没有你想的那么十恶不赦。