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1.厄尔 D多梅内克( Domenech) E埃尔勒Earle) F弗兰( Forlan) ...

3.伊尔里 德里克. Derrick 伊尔里. Earle 高登. Gordan ...

4.高贵 - Yahoo!知识+ ... Dwight 公平 Earle 高贵 Eben 止血 ...

5.厄尔利号 ... Doran 杜兰号 Earle 厄尔利号 Butler 巴特勒号 ...

6.俄尔 Derrick 戴瑞克 Earle 俄尔 Frank 法兰克 ...


1.After several weeks of accidents, Earle began thinking about ways to make it easier to bandage his wife's injuries.在这些事故后的数周埃尔开始思考,如何更容易的处理她妻子的伤口。

2.Reuben would not ask his father for the money, for Mark Earle earned every penny by fishing in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland , Canada.鲁本不能向父亲要钱。马克-厄尔的每一分钱都是靠在加拿大纽芬兰的罗伯茨湾捕鱼挣来的。

3.Near the end of my second term, I made a nostalgic trip back to east Arkansas to speak at Earle High School.在我的第二任期即将结束时,我带着思乡的情怀回到阿肯色州东部地区,在厄尔高中发表演讲。

4.Earle and a growing number of animal rights activists see these as strong arguments against eating fish altogether.总之,厄尔和越来越多的拥护动物权利的积极份子把这些事情视为反对吃鱼的有力理由。

5.Now, I don't get a wish, but I certainly can say that I will do anything I can to support Sylvia Earle's wish.我并不是在发表感言,但是我许诺我会尽我所能去支持SylviaEarle的愿望。

6.Dr. Sylvia A. Earle pilots a one-person submersible known as Deep Worker through Drake's Bay in Capfornia.这是厄尔勒博士驾驶一人位的被叫做“深水工作者”的潜艇在加州德雷克湾潜水的照片。

7.The design of the coin was created by sculptor James Earle Fraser , under the direction of President Theodore Roosevelt.硬币是在前总统西奥多·罗斯福指导下,由雕塑家詹姆斯·厄尔弗雷泽设计的!

8.Steve Earle, with his song "The Devil's Right Hand" , is typical of this so-called "alternative country music" .史蒂夫·艾尔以及他的歌曲《魔鬼的右手》,成为这种所谓的“另外一种乡村音乐”的典型代表。

9.Dr. Sylvia Earle wants you to stop eating fish.西尔维娅·厄尔博士希望你别再吃鱼了。

10.Lawrence C. Earle painted the original boy, used as the brands mascot.劳伦斯C·厄尔画原来的男孩,作为品牌吉祥物。