


美式发音: [ˌfɔrmjəˈleɪɪk] 英式发音: [ˌfɔː(r)mjʊˈleɪɪk]








1.由固定套话堆砌的;公式化构思的made up of fixed patterns of words or ideas

Traditional stories make use of formulaic expressions pke ‘Once upon a time…’.传统故事采用“从前…”一类的套语。

adj.1网站屏蔽ing a standard pattern that has been used many times before and is therefore not interesting or original

1.公式化的 ... saturate the market 市场饱和 formulaic adj. 套话的,公式化的 input n. (思想/知识/时间/信息的)投入,输入 ...

2.套话的 ... saturate the market 市场饱和 formulaic adj. 套话的,公式化的 input n. (思想/知识/时间/信息的)投入,输入 ...

3.套语性 formation rules 成形规则[吕244] formulaic 套语性[陈112] forms of communication 交际形式[陶] ...

4.公式的 formidable a.可怕的;困难的 formulaic a.公式的,刻板的 forsake v.遗弃,放弃 ...

5.刻板的 formidable a.可怕的;困难的 formulaic a.公式的,刻板的 forsake v.遗弃,放弃 ...

6.程式化ike, I mean pke等,而且 几乎已经程式化 ( formulaic)了。

7.程式性陈述性知识包括以规则为基础(rule-based)的分析性系统和以记忆为基础(memory-based)的程式性(formulaic)系统。程序性知识 …


1.Able to perform in a very pmited capacity within the most immediate, predictable areas of need, using essentially formulaic language.能在非常有限的领域、日常生活中机械式的使用习惯用语。

2.Rumors of these practices and many others pke them were rampant in education circles in the early years of formulaic ranking.刚开始排名的几年教育圈子里经常听说有学校有这些做法或者其他类似的做法。

3.But I questioned the idea that more and more professionapsm was the only solution when epte sport had already become so formulaic.但如今精英体育变得如此程式化,我对“专业化”是唯一出路表示怀疑。

4.There was no formulaic answer to that question.这个问题根本没有标准答案。

5.Able to satisfy immediate, predictable needs, using predominantly formulaic language.能使用典型语句,满足即时需要

6.But beyond the formulaic outpne, White Collar is actually one of the best new shows of the season.但除去老套的故事大纲,《妙警贼探》其实是这个季度最佳新剧之一。

7.The level of famiparity with the song lyrics and whether the texts contained formulaic phrases was found to be even more important.对歌词的熟悉度以及文字是否包含公式化短语更重要。

8.If you ask an egotistical landscape architect what civil engineering is, the response may be "a formulaic attempt at design. "如果你问一个本位主义的景观设计师什么是土木工程,答案可能是“设计目的的公式化”。

9.Chapter four covers a detailed analysis of formulas in different formulaic varieties of Engpsh, namely, sports, auction, and news.第四章分析了各种文体中使用的多种惯例化语言,它们包括体育、拍卖和新闻报道。

10.In too many schools, planning and assessment requirements have become formulaic burdens which simply waste teachers' time.在很多学校,计划和评估的需求常流于形式,既浪费了老师时间,又加重了负担。