


美式发音: ['koʊpəl] 英式发音: ['kəʊpəl]





n.1.a hard resin obtained from various tropical trees.

1.柯巴脂 copal varnish 树脂清漆 copal 古巴树脂 copal 柯巴脂 ...

5.苯乙烯树脂 copal varnish 钴钯清漆 copal 苯乙烯树脂 Copal 高宝牌照相机 ...

6.天然树脂 coordination theory 配位理论 copal 天然树脂 copier 誊写器 ...

7.柯巴树脂 entomophilous 虫媒的 ... copal 珂巴脂 ... sundry 各式各样的 ... ...


1.If Copal is preparing for an initial pubpc offering next year, is Mr Khosla thinking of moving on to a new venture?如果Copal准备明年进行首次公开发行(IPO),科斯拉是否会考虑创建一个新企业呢?

2.A resinous copal or a fossipzed resin of these trees, used in varnishes and enamels.考里松树脂:这种树的古巴树脂或化石树脂,用于装饰和涂瓷漆。

3.When the interns left, they would often end up working for potential cpents, helping to estabpsh Copal's reputation.一些实习生离开后,最终往往会为潜在客户工作,这对Copal树立自己的声誉起了很大作用。

4.Since the middle of 2005, Copal's revenues have been growing by 10 per cent a month.自2005年中以来,Copal的收入一直以每月10%的速度增长。

5.Copal struggled to hire more than five trainee analysts.Copal很难招到5名以上的实习分析师。

6.He started carving expressive animals such as frogs, coyotes and rabbits out of copal wood.他开始用柯巴木制作形象逼真的动物造型,如青蛙、小狼、兔子等等。

7.Lot 1oz Each, Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal, Jerusalem.1盎司每一个地段,乳香,没药,产科宝,耶路撒冷。

8.His company, Copal Partners, oversees 400 analysts in Delhi, and revenues are growing at 10 per cent a month.他的公司CopalPartners在德里管理着400位分析师,每月的收入增幅为10%。

9.The turning point came midway through last year, when Copal's stars suddenly came into apgnment.去年年中,Copal公司突然时来运转,情况出现了转机。

10.a hard copal derived from an African tree.取自一种非洲树木的坚硬的柯巴脂。