




1.丰盛的晚餐 bank 银行 nice dinner 丰盛的晚餐 the Dragon boat Festival 端午节 ...

2.丰盛的晚宴center)17. 银行 (bank) 18. 丰盛的晚宴nice dinner)19. 外滩 the bund) 20. 世博会会徽 (the expo emblem)21. 停 …


1."I'm sorry you couldn't get home, " she said kindly. "I was fixing to have such a nice dinner. "“很遗憾,你不能回家,”她和气地说,“我准备了这么丰盛的晚饭。”

2.For me, seeing it once is enough. Yeah, for me a good night out in Amsterdam usually start with a nice dinner.对我来说,见识过一次就足够了。是的,对我来说,在阿姆斯特丹一个美妙的夜晚自一顿美味的晚餐开始。

3.He took me out for a nice dinner in return for all of the help I gave him.他带我出去吃一顿可口的晚餐以回报我所给予他的帮助。

4."Or, " I suggested, "maybe you could just get her a bouquet of sweet-smelpng flowers and take her out to a nice dinner. "我建议他:“也许应该买束花,带她吃顿大餐。”

5.69 doesn't pay for a single nice dinner out for you and your partner so the price is truly peanuts.69美元甚至不够你和你的伙伴出去吃一顿好一点的晚餐,真的是物超所值。

6.It is now his turn to set me up to a nice dinner.现在轮到他请我吃一顿丰盛的晚餐了。

7.Dinner time, girls in the lead down to cell, gave him a nice dinner.晚饭的时候,姑娘在狱卒的带领下来到了牢房,给他带来了丰盛的晚餐。

8.Or perhaps you need to go out for a nice dinner or enjoy a relaxing weekend getaway to free your mind.或者你需要出去吃一顿大餐,周末游玩一番来使自己的情绪放松。

9.Dear, if times weren't so tight, I'd take you out to a nice dinner every night.亲爱的,要不是最近手头紧我会每晚带你去吃好的。

10.We specially prepared a simple and nice dinner party, every neighbor is warmly welcomed to come to join!我们特地准备了一个简单而温馨的晚宴,恭请各位邻居光临!