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网络释义:皮质醇(cortisol);血浆皮质醇;儿童观察记录(Child Observation Record)



1.(惊讶、欣喜或感动时说)啊呀,天哪used when you are surprised, pleased or impressed by sth

Cor! Look at that!啊呀!看看那个!


int.1网站屏蔽ed to express amazement or admiration2网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are surprised, impressed, or enthusiastic

1.皮质醇(cortisol)PLA2活性与对照组相比,差异不显著(P>0.05)。血浆皮质醇(Cor)ACST组术前及术后第1,2,3,7天血浆Cor水平均显著高 …

3.儿童观察记录(Child Observation Record)思 High/Scope 课程模式 六、评价方法 COR( child observation record)。

4.额定静载荷 ... 额定动载荷( Cr) 额定静载荷Cor) 转速( Limiting Speeds ) ...

5.林前(Corinthians) Rom 罗 1 Cor 林前 2 Cor 林后 ...

6.哥林多前书 (2 chr) [537]-编年纪下(编下) (1 cor) 哥林多前书(林前) (2 cor) 哥林多后书(林后) ...


1.Cor. 11: 16 But if anyone seems to be contentious, we do not have such a custom of being so, neither the churches of God.林前十一16若有人想要强辩,我们却没有这样的规矩,神的众召会也没有。

2.Cor 16: 10 Now if Timotheus come, see that he may be with you without fear, for he worker the work of the Lord, as I also do.林前16:10若是提摩太来到,你们要留心,叫他在你们那里无所惧怕;因为他劳力做主的工,像我一样。

3.Cor 2 A and B have always had short period of dark muck in them, digital goo or something of that sort, but this has been constant.COR2A和B总有短时期的暗色物质在其中,它们是数码黏质或是类似物质,但是这一直是持续的。

4." Cor 12: 9 - 10 As he said to me: " My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made complete weakness.他对我说:“我的恩典够你用的,因为我的能力是在人的软弱上显得完全。”

5.Cor. 12: 22 But much rather the members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary.林前十二22不但如此,身上肢体似乎较为软弱的,更是不可少的;

6.Jeff Hancock of Cor'nell University in Ithaca, New York, asked 30 students to keep a communications diary for a week.JeffHancock在位于纽约州伊萨卡的康奈尔大学执教,他曾要求30个学生记录一周中每天的通讯情况。

7.Cor. 14: 9 So also you, unless you give with the tongue a word easy to understand, how will what is being said be known?林前十四9你们也是如此,若不用舌头说容易明白的话,人怎能知道你所说的是什么?

8.Therefore, holy men of old knew God only bybeholding him in his Son as in a mirror (cf. II Cor. 3: 8).因此,古时候的圣徒认识上帝,只在基督里,好像在镜子里看见祂一样(参﹕林后3﹕8)。

9.Cor. 6: 2 For He says, 'In an acceptable time I pstened to you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.林后六2因为他说,『在悦纳的时候,我应允了你;在拯救的日子,我济助了你。』

10.But Sha - Cor, I mean - you haven't told me anything yet about King Lune and how he found out who you were.但沙——我本来想说科奥——关于国王伦恩和他怎样发现你是谁的事,你还一点儿也没有跟我谈起呢。