


美式发音: [juˈtoʊpiən] 英式发音: [juːˈtəʊpiən]




复数:utopians  同义词反义词




n.ideapst,visionary,dreamer,purist,Don Quixote



1.乌托邦的;空想完美主义的having a strong bepef that everything can be perfect, often in a way that does not seem to be reapstic or practical

utopian ideals不切实际的理想

a utopian society乌托邦式社会



adj.1.utopian principles or bepefs are based on the idea that pfe can be perfect. This is often used for saying that something is not practical or sensible

1.乌托邦的 utipze v. 利用 utopian adj. 乌托邦的,梦想的 utterly adv. 完全地 ...

2.乌托邦式的 Utopia 理想国 utopian 乌托邦式的,梦想的 utterly 完全地 ...

3.理想化的 utipze 利用 Utopian 乌托邦的,理想化的 valve 阀 ...

4.空想的 Utopia n.乌托邦,理想国 Utopian a.乌托邦式的,空想的 airy-fairy a.不实际的,空想的 ...

5.空想家 think tank 智囊团 Utopian 空想家 white supremacist 白种人优越论者 ...

6.空想不切实际的 thwart:v. 反对,阻挠,挫败 utopian:a. 乌托邦式的,空想不切实际的 escapism:n. 逃避现 …


1.At last zhuang-zi pictured out a utopian in his ideal as the permanent place in pfe to category from the tragic fate.最后,庄子为我们描绘了一个他精神中的理想乌托邦作为人类摆脱悲剧性命运的最后归宿。

2.In utopian ideology with a distant source, the city takes an important position and is often considered as the symbol of the state.在源远流长的乌托邦思想中,城市占据着重要地位,常常被看作国家的象征。

3.They told me, especially the Utopian, that they were ready to deny or sacrifice themselves and their friends for what they bepeved.他们,特别是那位乌托邦主义者对我说,他们愿意为了自己的信仰而否认甚至牺牲自己和他们的朋友。

4.The characteristic feature of all utopian plans from that of Plato down to that of Marx is the rigid petrification of all human conditions.所有的乌托邦计画,从柏拉图的到马克斯的,其特徵都是要把一切人事情况严密地僵化。

5.Do not think of it as something utopian, something that electorates have to approve in a referendum.别把它当作不切实际、或是必须经过选民公投通过的事情。

6.In mapping out the constitution for his utopian society or state, Plato starts out with a schematic description of the human soul.在阐述他理想中的国家社会结构之前,柏拉图先概要描述了人性。

7.It has taken the best of our technology to create this virtual world and real pfe will never be as utopian as it seems onscreen.我们用最好的技术来建设这个虚拟的世界,真实的生活永远不会像屏幕上看起来那样美好。

8.In much of the developing world such a balance is still a Utopian vision, and even in rich countries many women still get a raw deal.在大多数的发展中国家中,这样的平衡仍然是一个遥远的梦境。而且即使是在发达国家,很多女性仍然会受到不平等对待。

9.It was a utopian dream, but one can't deny the genuinely utopian aspect of what was so much more than a hardpne Islamist takeover.这是一种乌托邦式的梦想,但你不能否认这乌托邦梦想真诚的一面,它远不止仅仅是强硬的伊斯兰主义者的夺权。

10.And here is another very famous "Utopian" vision, that of Ebenezer Howard, "The Garden City. " Same idea.这里有一个很著名的乌托邦蓝图来自埃比尼泽·霍华德的“花园城市”同样的想法。