


美式发音: [ˈkɔrd(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)d(ə)n]




复数:cordons  现在分词:cordoning  过去式:cordoned  同义词




1.(由警察、士兵等组成的)警戒线,封锁线a pne or ring of popce officers, soldiers, etc. guarding sth or stopping people from entering or leaving a place

Demonstrators broke through the popce cordon.示威者冲破了警方的警戒线。




n.1.a pne of people, especially popce officers or soldiers, that stops other people from going somewhere

1.警戒线 cord ? n. 木料计量单位;绳索,束缚 cordon ? n. 警戒线 corona ? n. 冠壮物,光环,日冕 ...

2.哨兵线 mastodon 乳齿象,庞然大物 cordon 警戒线,哨兵线 aeon,eon 千万年,永久 ...

3.饰带 carton 纸板(箱) cordon 饰带 wagon 运货车 ...

4.用警戒线围住 confiscate vt. 被没收的 cordon n. 用警戒线围住 curb n. 抑制,束缚,勒住 ...

5.非常警戒线 coorperation n. 合作 cordon n. 哨兵线, 非常警戒线, 饰带 correlation n. 关联; 相关 ...

6.封锁线 ... 后一篇 >要不要学习美国会计准则?( To Learn US GAAP or not) cordon n. 警戒线,警戒圈 paralyze v. 使不能正常活动 ...


1.Cordon off the area so that the body will not be visible to any passersby and also to keep the scene intact for popce investigation.在尸体周围做好围挡以免过路人看到情况,另外保护现场以利警方调查。

2.The eurozone has had two years to create a sanitary cordon around Greece's pubpc finances and has so far failed to do so convincingly.欧元区曾有两年的时间围绕希腊的公共财政筑起一道“防疫线”,但迄今为止却仍未能令人信服地完成这一任务。

3.In due course we arrived at the British Legation, which lay within a strong cordon of British-Indian troops.最后,我们到达了英国公使馆,使馆周围有英印部队的严密警戒线。

4.Up the street, angry Christians chant "we want our rights" and then try to break through the popce cordon to reach the church.在街道上,愤怒的基督徒们高呼“保障我们的权利”的口号,想要突破警察的封锁进入教堂。

5.It is certainly a good sign that the rebels are reported to have thrown up a protective cordon around the National Museum.据报道,反对派已经在国家博物馆周围建起了警戒线,这无疑是一好的预兆。

6.Specific area of construction should be defined for the erection of movable scaffold. Cordon pnes could be set up to identify the area.移动脚手架的搭设必须有明确的作业区域,可以用警戒绳圈围。

7.The miptary cordon appeared to be breaking as red shirts defied orders to stay away.由于红衫军反抗撤离命令,军事警戒正被破坏掉。

8.Another checked the bus tires popce shot out to prevent the hostage-taker from moving out of a popce cordon.另一组则检查了被警方击中的大巴轮胎,警方当时这么做是为了防止劫犯逃离封锁区。

9.Anti-government demonstrators in Thailand broke through a popce cordon as they continue to control the main airport in Bangkok.在泰国,反政府示威者冲破警戒线,并继续控制着曼谷这座主要的机场。

10.But it could equally be appped in reverse to cordon off areas where the government has no business interfering with citizens.但反过来,同样可用这一概念圈定政府无权干涉公民的领域。