


美式发音: [ˈkɔːdəbə] 英式发音: ['kɔ:dəvə]





n.1.[City]a city in Argentina2.[City]also Córdoba, Cordova, a city in southern Spain3.a silver coin and monetary unit of Nicaragua

1.科尔多瓦(Cape Suckpng)的范围发布了海啸警报。萨克林角位于阿拉斯加科多瓦地区Cordova)威廉王子湾镇(Prince Wilpam So…

5.柯多瓦号 ... Carnegie 卡内基号 Cordova 柯多瓦号 Delgada 德加达号 ...

6.科多瓦镇马岛的两个行政区分别是拉普拉普市(Lapu-lapu City)和科多瓦镇Cordova)。岛上还有一个马克坦加工出口区(Mactan Ex…


1.But Ms. Cordova would not make all of her interaction with him available for review.但科尔多瓦女士并没有公布她和议员互动的所有信息。

2.Mr. Weiner, at his news conference on Monday, said he had sent Ms. Cordova the underwear photo "as part of a joke. "韦纳先生在星期一的新闻发布会上说,他给科尔多瓦女士发内衣照只是个玩笑。

3.But Ms. Cordova said the image was not in keeping with the tenor of their previous interactions.但科尔多瓦女士说那张图片和他们之前的谈话内容根本不一致。

4.Gennette Cordova said she did not even think the photo was real.根尼特科尔多瓦说她当时甚至觉得图片不是真的。

5.'The evolution of the epidemic is now on its descending phase, ' said Jose Angel Cordova, Mexico's health minister.墨西哥卫生部长科尔多瓦(JoseAngelCordova)说,疫情的发展目前正处于消退阶段。

6.A spokeswoman for Mr. Weiner did not dispute Ms. Cordova's account.韦纳先生的一位女发言人没有反驳科尔多瓦女士的讲述。

7.Cordova insisted the rest of the community had suffered from a common influenza.科尔多瓦坚称,该社区的其余患者染上的是普通流感。

8.Ms. Cordova said that after Mr. Weiner began following her, critics of the congressman started sending her harassing messages.科尔多瓦女士说,自从韦纳先生开始跟随她以后,这位国会议员的批判者们就开始给她发骚扰信息。

9.The cover was designed by Tammy Cordova, graphics design manager in American Psychiatric Pubpshing's book division.该书封面由美国精神病学出版社图书部门版面设计经理塔米·可多瓦(TammyCordova)负责设计。

10.Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova said there were 11 cases of people suspected to have died in Mexico from the virus in the last 24 hours.卫生部长何赛科尔多瓦称,墨西哥城在过去的二十四个小时中,有十一例病人怀疑因此死亡。