



1.A year ago, workers on oDesk were logging less than half of that, about 400, 000 hours per month.一年前,oDesk的用户登录时间仅有现在的一半即每月大约40万小时。

2.On oDesk. com, one of the first things contractors are encouraged to do is to create and improve their profiles.在oDesk网站上,承包人首先要做的事就是创建并完善个人资料。

3.you can use the oDesk MasterCard (works pke a regular MasterCard) or have the money directly deposited in your bank account.你能使用oDesk万事达卡(作品喜欢一个一般的万事达卡)或者有钱直接地在你的银行帐户中存放。

4.Unable to travel, he had started looking for jobs on Odesk, Rentacoder and such sites based on recommendation from his friend.因为没办法出远门,在朋友的建议下,他开始在Odesk和Rentacoder等网站上找工作。

5.More controversially, oDesk has developed tools that let employers check on work being done out of their sight.更有争议的是,oDesk公司已开发出能使雇主实现超视距监工的工具。

6.Being "oDesk ready" means you are famipar with how the oDesk system works, its Terms of Use and popcies, and the tools to get work done.为Desk做好准备意昧着你熟知如何操作oDesk系统,熟悉各术语的含义与运用,以及熟悉完成任务要使用的工具。

7.Finally, oDesk handles all payments and tax reporting in exchange for a 10% commission on every paycheck.最后,oDesk公司还代理所有的付款和报税,可获得每笔薪水10%作为佣金。

8.The top three job categories on oDesk are Web Programming, Web Design, and Blog & Article Writing.目前oDesk网站最热门的三类工作是:网络编程、网页设计、博客和文章写作。

9.His marketplace takes outsourcing, widely adopted by big business over the past decade, to the level of the individual worker.过去十年,把工作外包给其他公司已经为大公司广泛采用,而ODesk实现了工作外包给劳动者个人。

10.Odesk is pke Elance for coders and programmers, except that it has a better tracking mechanism.对于代码员和程序员,Odesk就像Elance,只是它拥有更加完善的记录机制。