


美式发音: [ˈbæŋkˌroʊl] 英式发音: [ˈbæŋkˌrəʊl]




第三人称单数:bankrolls  现在分词:bankrolpng  过去式:bankrolled  同义词




1.(informal)~ sb/sth资助;提供资金给to support sb/sth by giving money

They claimed his campaign had been bankrolled with drug money.他们声称他的竞选活动是由贩毒资金支持的。


1.资金a supply of money

He is the candidate with the biggest campaign bankroll.他是竞选资金最雄厚的候选人。



v.1.to provide the money for something

n.1.a supply of money for a particular purpose

1.资金 depot: 补给站,仓库 bankroll: 提供资金,资助 prospecting: 探矿,勘探 ...

3.资金储备 ... 14. missile-buster:n. 导弹发爆器 15. bankroll:v. 注入资金 17. destroyer:n. 驱逐舰 ...

5.资金管理 hao haoa hao. ray. 点评回复 引用. 举报 返回顶部. keaneping. 发短消息. 加...

6.可赌资金 ... Payment: 在线支付管理 Bankroll: 资金明细查询 Transfer: 订单过户记录 ...


1.Means something provide the money, necessary to do something. Eg: I found some foreign investors to bankroll our new night club.我发现很多外商都在为咱们的新夜总会投钱。

2.From a wealthy family, she used some of her inheritance to bankroll her husband's first congressional election campaign.她出身富有,曾利用她继承的部份遗产资助丈夫第一次竞选国会议员的活动。

3.You're still able to pay your bills and can afford to bankroll your new business because you've got money coming in.因为你有稳定的工作收入,所以你不但可以支付生活费用,还能够承担经营小企业的费用。

4.With the Kelly Criterion, you are always betting percentages of your bankroll so as your bankroll grows, so do your bets.由于凯利标准,你总是赌你的投资的百分比,因此当你的投资增长,你的赌注也是。

5.Why, people ask, should such a relatively poor country bankroll such a rich one?人们问道,这样一个相对贫穷的国家,为什么要提供资金给这样一个富国?

6.The regimes that bankroll sovereign-wealth funds are often authoritarian and sometimes downright dangerous.提供主权财富基金的政权常常是独裁的、有时还是全然危险的政体。

7.At last had the analysis, design and implementation of the account settlement and bankroll management subsystem.最后对结算子系统和资金管理子系统进行了详细的分析、设计与实现。

8."Here's where we found our dream, " says Brian Linden, who sold the couple's home in the U. S. to bankroll the renovation.“这是我们找到梦想的地方”,布莱恩·林登说,他把他们夫妇在美国的房子卖了来为这次的翻修提供资金。

9.These tickets have a grand history: Lotteries were used to fund the American colonies and helped bankroll the young nation.这些彩票有着一个宏伟的历史:乐透被用来为美国殖民地提供资金,并且资助了这个年轻国家的建设。

10.So bear on the social security system's bankroll organization, administrative level, formapty are not in the letterpress's review bound .因此,有关社会保障法制的资金组织、层次、程序等不在本文考察范围之内。