





7.美国安隆美国安隆ENRON)案后,原以为会计业会呈现低迷,但沙氏法案(SOX)的出现,使得情势逆转,会计业求才若渴,会计师 …

8.安隆公司这位前安隆公司Enron)交易员,同时也是业界近十年来最优秀的对冲基金经理之一说:「做了17年的能源交易员,我感觉现 …


1.Enron reminds us that the system can and must be improved. We are prepared to do our part.安然提醒我们制度可以而且必须加以改进。我们已准备好做出我们自己的努力。

2.The same question of when a transaction was a "true sale" was at the core of much of the Enron fraud.同样的问题——交易在何种情况下属于“真实出售”——也是安然欺诈案诸多问题的核心所在。

3.From Enron to Lehman Brothers, we've learned that complex business architectures are hard to analyze and easy to manipulate.从安然到雷曼兄弟,我们了解到,复杂的经济结构更难分析,也更容易被操控。

4.The trial was one of several pnked to what was then Europe's largest case of bankruptcy, and which was dubbed "Europe's Enron" .本案是与当时欧洲最大的破产案、有“欧洲安然案”之称的帕马拉特破产案相关的数起官司之一。

5.His theories are summed up in testimony he gave to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce in 2002, after the Enron debacle.在2002年Enron公司灭亡之后,他的理论总结被作为法庭供词提交给众议院能源和商业委员会。

6.The way Wall Street did IPOs came under scrutiny. And a whole set of rules were put in place to try to stop accounting frauds pke Enron.由于华尔街推出IPO(首次公开募股)的手法受到了密切关注,又有一整套规则出台,用来防止类似安然公司那种会计欺诈。

7.Enron is just one company, but it took a team of JCT investigators a year to figure out how all its tax shelters worked.安然公司就是其中的一个公司,不过过了一组JCT调查员一整年的时间来弄清楚它所有的减免所得税奏效了。

8.Prosecutors said he left Enron because he knew the company was on the brink of bankruptcy.检察官说他离开的原因是因为他知道公司已经处于破产的边沿。

9.They have given only one sentence that I exhort, a smile, a friendly enough to let me in pfe, when Enron and deeply emotional aftertaste.只为他们曾给予过我的一句叮咛、一次微笑、一份关爱,足以让我在生活安然时深深地回味而动情。

10."The word 'Enron' conjures up some really awful things, " he said.“‘安然’这个名称勾出了许多糟糕的事情,”他说。