



美式发音: [ˈsɪtˌkɑm] 英式发音: [ˈsɪtkɒm]






n.1.[Film and Television]a television or radio series about a particular group of characters who deal with situations in a humorous way

1.情景喜剧 舞台剧 STAGE MUSICAL 情景喜剧 SITCOMS 电视台 Tv5 ...

2.情境喜剧 ... Unit 48 Brunch 早午餐 Unit 49 Sitcoms 情境喜剧 Unit 50 Reruns 节目重播 ...

3.连续剧 ... soap operas 肥皂剧 sitcoms 连续剧 scarf 围巾 ...

4.情景剧 肥皂剧 soap 情景剧 sitcoms 动物世界 The animal world ...

5.喜剧类欧美影集百百种,我个人还是最推荐情境喜剧类(Sitcoms),几个Cherry最喜欢的Sitcoms包括Friends, How I Met Your Mother, T…

6.喜剧影集此外看美国电视喜剧影集Sitcoms),诸如早期曾在台湾播过之「黄金女郎」(The Golden Girls),也是我学习英语的最佳 …

7.电视系列小品现实一点,建议你每天至少看一个小时的电视系列小品sitcoms),坚持两年后如果仍无明显效果,再来找我:-) Take care![ 回 …


1.Like television sitcoms, music is among the more accessible art forms, and songs about love tend to be the most popular forms of music.音乐和情景喜剧一样,属于同我们的生活很近的艺术形式,爱情歌曲又似乎是最流行的音乐。

2.Generally i'm a sucker for sitcoms but this really caught my attention and made me a die hard fan.基本上我对情景喜剧一无所知,不过这部剧完全吸引了我的注意力,把我变成了一个死忠的粉丝。

3.The motives of each TV type are spelled outover and over again, in countless dramas and sitcoms up and down the dial.每一种电视人物的动机在无数的剧情片和情景喜剧里被不断重复。

4.Meanwhile, broadcast networks have retreated into a safe zone of sitcoms, popce procedurals and singing competitions.与此同时,广播电视网络退回至情景喜剧、警察办案、歌唱比赛等相对安全的领域。

5.ABC, a network owned by Disney, has added four new sitcoms to its Wednesday evening prime-time schedule.迪士尼所属的ABC电视台在周三晚的黄金时段安排了四档生活情景剧。

6.If you love funny sitcoms, then the new show Modern Family might be right up your alley.如果你爱看幽默的情景喜剧,那么摩登家庭可能正合你的胃口。好的,今天我们学习的词是

7.I'd rather stay at home and watch sitcoms on TV, or I could just pop in a DVD from my "Friends" box set.我宁愿呆在家里看电视连续剧制造,否则我可能仅仅是昙花一现从“朋友”框设置。

8.Sitcoms, for instance, usually confine all of their action to less than three recurring locations.比如,情景剧通常将剧情循环限定在三个以下的地点。

9.A; I don't pke him. In fact , I don't pke sitcoms.我不喜欢他。其实,我不喜欢情景剧。

10.Compared to foreign sitcoms, research on Chinese sitcoms is still in the primary stage.相对于国外情景喜剧,中国情景喜剧的研究尚处于初级阶段。