


美式发音: [dɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [dɪ'sɪʒ(ə)n]



复数:decisions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make decision,reach decision,take decision,reconsider decision,change decision

adj.+n.final decision,wise decision,wrong decision,quick decision,recent decision





1.[c]~ (on/about sth).~ (to do sth)(作出的)决定,抉择a choice or judgement that you make after thinking and talking about what is the best thing to do

to make a decision(= to decide)作出决定

to take a decision(= to decide)作出决定

We need a decision on this by next week.我们得在下周前就这一问题作出决定。

Who took the decision to go ahead with the project?是谁决定开始这项工程的?

He is really bad at making decisions .他的确不善于决策。

We finally reached a decision(= decided after some difficulty) .我们终于作出了抉择。

We must come to a decision about what to do next by tomorrow.我们必须最晚明天就下一步做什么作出决定。

a big(= an important) decision一项重大的抉择

The final decision is yours.最终的决定权属于你。

It's a difficult decision for any doctor.这对任何医生来说都是一个困难的决定。

The editor's decision is final.编辑定了就不再改了。

Mary is the decision-maker in the house.家里的事玛丽说了算。

2.[u]决断(力);果断the abipty to decide sth clearly and quickly

This is not a job for someone who lacks decision.不果断的人不适宜做这工作。

3.[u]作决定;决策the process of deciding sth

The moment of decision had arrived.决策的时刻已经到了。


n.1.a choice that you make after thinking carefully; the process of making a choice after thinking carefully2.the abipty to make choices quickly, confidently, and effectively

1.决定 in the end 后 decision 决定 make a decision 作决定 ...

2.决心 concise 简明的 decision 决心,决议 excise 割去,删去 ...

3.决策 concise 简明的 decision 决心,决议 excise 割去,删去 ...

5.决定,决心 daypght n.白天,日光,黎明 decision n.决定,决心;决议;决策 demanding a.要求高的, …

6.判定 labeled a. 有标号的 1535. decision n. 判定, 决定, 决策 1536. effective a. 有效的 1537. ...

7.判断 bracket n. 括号 decision n 判断 obviate 除去,排除 ...

8.果断 decide vt. 决定,决心;解决 decision n. 决定,决心;果断 deck n. 甲板;舱面;层 …


1.In a given patient the choice of antihistaminic drug depends upon trial and error and a decision whether sedation is desired or not.在特定的病人中,选用何种抗组胺药物,要用视差法,并需要取决于是否需要镇静疗法。

2.As an obedient son, he had accepted his father's decision that he was to be a doctor, though the prospect didn't interest him at all.作为一个孝顺的儿子,他接受了父亲的决定,要当个医生,虽然他对这样的前途毫无兴趣可言。

3.So he made a surprising decision: he decided to cross cut piece.于是,他作出了一个惊人的决定:他决定将十字架砍掉一块。

4.In case of disputes, the decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive.如有任何争议,本行将保留最终决定权。

5.It's not always easy to know which path to follow, which decision to make, or what to do.很难说每一次你都能轻而易举的知道要走哪个道道,该做哪一个决定才对,或者要做什么好。

6.Using decision trees in expert systems is nothing new, but applying that idea to a crowdsourcing model might possibly be a stroke of genius.在专家系统里使用决策树并非什么新鲜事物,但是把这种想法和大众外包(crowdsourcing)模式结合在一起实属天才之作。

7.As he wrestled with the decision over whether to leave NASA, the Obama administration made the decision to scrap Constellation and Ares I.正当他犹豫是否要离开NASA的时候,奥巴马政府作出决议,取消“星座计划”和“战神一号”的航天计划。

8.He seems immune to any persuasion for he never changes his mind once he has made a decision.他似乎不为任何劝告所动,因为他一旦下定决心就从来不改变主意。

9.Any Such objection 1llade in due time shall be. referred to the chairman of the meeting, whose decision shall be final and conclusive .任何及时提出的质疑均应提交大会主席,由主席作出最终和确切决定。

10.Mr. Sharif was supportive but said the decision was up to the board of the Lahore Museum, Ms.邱女士说,谢里夫表示会支持展览,但是他也说决定权取决于拉合尔博物馆委员会。