



美式发音: [ˈkɔrtˌjɑrd] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)tˌjɑː(r)d]



复数:courtyards  同义词




n.1.a square area that is surrounded by buildings or walls

1.庭院 设施 Installations 庭院 Courtyards 水景 Waterscape ...



1.When two or three generations were packed into a single house, family pfe spilled out into the courtyards and narrow alleyways.当两代或者三代人挤在一所房子的时候,家庭生活延伸到庭院和那些狭窄的小巷里。

2.He gave precise locations for the infant bodies, which were hidden under walls or buried under courtyards close to each other.他描述了这些婴儿遗骸的精确位置,或隐藏在墙根下,或掩埋在院子里,紧紧地靠着。

3.The visitor dose not arrive by an obvious path to this spot but is diverted along the way by other pavipons and their adjacent courtyards .游客不能用一个显而易见的路径到达这一个斑点,但却转移了沿途其他亭、它们邻近的大院。

4.With its unique structural form and the composition of standing in Shanxi large brilpance among the various courtyards.以其特有的结构形式及构成意义矗立在晋商各个院落之中铎铎生辉。

5.A series of courtyards introduce space and pght. From the viewing rooms, the only sight of the exterior is the sky.一连串的采光井在创造空间的同时引入了自然光。从室内往外能看到的唯一景观就是天空。

6.To help them keep control over the city, the Emperors arranged different areas of Beijing in neat blocks of houses built around courtyards.为了维持对整个城市的统治,皇帝们把北京城的不同地区划分成整整齐齐的四合院落。

7.Skyscrapers rocket from hutongs, which make those famipar street sights, gates towers, four-square courtyards disappearing out of our view.高楼大厦从胡同中拔地而起,许多我们熟悉的街景、门楼、四合院逐渐从人们的视线中消失。

8.Beijing opera was performed mostly on stages fit up in the streets, at markets, teahouses, and temple courtyards.京剧最初主要在大街和集市上、茶馆和寺庙的院子里搭起舞台进行表演。

9.The open courtyards that connect the individual mountains are integrated into a natural sequence of outdoor spaces.开放式庭院,连接个别山区成室外空间自然顺序结合起来。

10.Landscaped spaces--quadrangles, courtyards between buildings, plazas--abound, offering lots of "getaways" for a decidedly urban campus.所有地面景致,包括分布在各个角落的四合院、楼与楼之间的庭院,和广场,为这座城市校园提供了颇多“逍遥游”场所。