


美式发音: [kræmp] 英式发音: [kræmp]





复数:cramps  现在分词:cramping  过去式:cramped  同义词


n.spasm,pain,contraction,shooting pain,twinge



1.[u][c]痛性痉挛;抽筋a sudden pain that you get when the muscles in a particular part of your body contract, usually caused by cold or too much exercise

to get cramp in your leg腿部抽筋

to get a cramp in your leg腿部抽筋

2.[pl](腹部)绞痛severe pain in the stomach


1.~ sth阻碍,阻止(发展或进步)to prevent the development or progress of sb/sth

Tighter trade restrictions might cramp economic growth.较严格的贸易限制会妨碍经济的增长。

IDMcramp sbs style(informal)束缚…的手脚;使不能放开手脚(或施展才能)to stop sb from behaving in the way they want to




n.1.a sudden severe pain in a tired muscle that becomes very tight2.pains that a woman sometimes gets during her period

v.1.to prevent something from developing as successfully as it could

1.抽筋 go for it with sb 向某人告白 cramp v. 抽筋 out of breath adv. 上气不接下气地 ...

2.痉挛 Cowpox 牛痘 Cramp 痉挛 Cranial nerve 脑神经 ...

3.扣钉 craftsperson 工匠 cramp 夹,钳,扣钉,铁箍 crazed 开裂的 ...

4.夹 krampo 钩钉夹钳括弧 英: cramp ,钳,嵌(交结) krabp 多足爬行 英: ...

5.夹子 cram 填满;死记 cramp 夹子 crane 起重机 ...

6.痛性痉挛 coxsackie virus 柯萨奇病毒 cramp 痛性痉挛 cranial fontanel 颅囟 ...

7.钳 krampo 钩钉夹钳括弧 英: cramp 夹,,嵌(交结) krabp 多足爬行 英: ...

8.狭窄的 breakthrough 突破 67. cramp 狭窄的 68. sturdy 结实的、健壮的 69. ...


1."Initially I thought it was cramp in the game at West Ham but when I tried to get up I knew something was badly wrong, " he said.最初我觉得,那场对阵西汉姆联的比赛中我只是抽经了。但是当我试图站起来时,我就知道我受的伤还是挺严重的。

2.A Hampshire housewife takes a bag of corks to bed with her to beat cramp. A London man claims that barrel bungs are best.英国汉普郡有个主妇上床睡觉时带上一包软木塞来对付肌肉痉挛。有一个伦敦佬声称木桶的塞子效果最好。

3.With the parietal bone, it might be crazy. . . -Stewart! -Leg cramp! I just need to, you know, shake it off with some dance steps?有顶骨,可能有点儿疯狂…-斯图尔特!-腿抽筋了!我只是需要,你知道,跳几步舞就好了?

4.An hour later, her stomach began to cramp so badly that she could not go on.一小时后,她的胃开始抽搐,疼痛让她无法继续吃下去。

5.Unpke a spasm, a cramp, or the movements of chorea or epilepsy, it does not interfere with other movement and can be held off for a time.与痛性痉挛、舞蹈病及癫痫不同的是,抽搐的发作不影响其它活动,并可有意识地控制一会儿。

6.Besides, Mainers love a good story, and there was no way they'd cramp the style of anyone who suppped as many as Helen did.此外,缅因州的人喜欢奇闻,因此他们决不会去规约任何人的个人风格,只要他能像海伦那样提供许多趣事。

7.He does not cramp his mind, nor take half-views of men and things.他不会舒服自己的思想,也不会片面地看待人和事。

8."God help me to have the cramp go, " he said.“上帝帮助我,让我的抽筋好了吧,”他说。

9.The best way I found to stop the cramp is to stand up, keep your foot flat, then push your ankle back and your knee forward.我发现阻止抽筋最好的办法就是站起来,保持脚平放,然后向后推你的踝关节,向前推你的膝关节。

10."What kind of a hand is that, " he said. "Cramp then if you want. Make yourself into a claw. It will do you no good. "“这算什么手啊,”他说。“随你去抽筋吧。变成一只鸟爪吧。对你可不会有好处。”