



美式发音: [bʌn] 英式发音: [bʌn]






n.1.a small round piece of bread2.a hairstyle in which a womans hair is tied in a tight round ball at the back of or on top of her head3.someones buttocks4.a small round cake, especially with a sweet sticky surface1.a small round piece of bread2.a hairstyle in which a womans hair is tied in a tight round ball at the back of or on top of her head3.someones buttocks4.a small round cake, especially with a sweet sticky surface

1.圆形面包 牛肉 beef 小面包 buns 鸡米花 Popcorn Chicken ...

3.果子面包 姜汁面包 gingerbread 3006 果子面包 buns 3006 华夫饼干 waffles 3006 ...

4.小圆面包 维夫饼干 wafers 小圆面包 buns 烤面包 toast ...

5.包子 Dimsum 点心 Buns 包子 Fish Ball 鱼蛋 ...

6.屁屁 ... 3. Way to go! 作得好!;加油! 5. buns 屁屁 7. kick back 轻松休息 ...


1.Before he arrived at the basket of steamed buns, the lame girl could hardly wait for him, and dotted and went one away with her own bowl.跛女子在他未到馍筐之前,就早已经迫不及待地端着自己的饭碗一瘸一跛地离开了。

2.Put a tray of hot water into the bottom of the oven to make it steamy . This gives the buns a thin, soft crust.请在烤箱下方放置一盘水让烤箱有点蒸气,这样会考出来的面包皮会薄又软。

3.After the boss left, the dramatist had a dozen buns for supper. Then he began to doze off.老板走后,剧作家吃了一打面包作为晚餐然后开始打瞌睡了。

4.Her hair had been braided and put into two buns on her head, her fringe cut short on her forehead.这次,她在头顶两边各编了一个发髻,把前额的刘海修剪得很短。

5.Some Shenzhen employees are steamed after being offered their boss gave them each a box of steamed buns as a year end bonus.近日,有人发帖说深圳某老板给每位员工发一箱馒头作为年终奖。寓意是“蒸蒸日上”。

6.The workers merely threw the stale buns into a vat, added water and flour, and repackaged them to be sold anew.他们仅仅是把过期的馒头扔进大桶里,再添加水和面粉做出新的馒头,然后重新包装再出售。

7.Break the buns in half and put them in the bottom of the baking dish. Melt a stick of butter and pour it over the buns.我在小烤盘上抹油,把面包分成两半,覆盖盘子底,熔化一根黄油,浇在面包上。

8.But I think if you are hungry for something sweet at the end of the meal, you can try some of these steamed buns.但如果你最后想吃些甜的食品,你可以尝尝这些馒头。

9.Her hoop skirt flung up exposing her dimpled pasties. In a second I was upon her nudging her between the buns with my loboper.她的裙箍翘起,露出了湿嗒嗒的小酒窝,我急不可捺的用龟头在两个馒头的间隙中轻轻推送。

10.After a while, Old Cheng returned with two large bowls of sweet gruel and a whole lot of pttle "horse-hoof" buns and crispy fritters.待了会儿,老程回来了,端着两大碗甜浆粥,和不知多少马蹄烧饼与小焦油炸鬼。