


美式发音: [ˈkrækərz] 英式发音: [ˈkrækə(r)z]







That noise is driving me crackers.那噪声闹得我简直要疯了。




n.1.The plural of cracker

1.咸饼干 coffee pot 咖啡壶 crackers 咸饼干 mashed potato 马铃薯泥 ...

2.饼乾 薄饼 Pancake 薄饼干 Crackers 鲍鱼龙须 Abalone with asparagus ...

4.两光大笨贼 with the Moon) (1984)  《两光大笨贼 》 (Crackers) (1984)  《坏小子》 (bad boys) (1983)  《开放的美国学府》 (Fast Times a…

5.薄脆饼干 mustard 芥末 crackers (淡或咸的)薄脆饼干 spaghetti 意大利面 ...

6.发疯的 crack up 失去控制 crackers 发疯的 crackpot 古怪的 ...

7.咸饼乾 Biscuits 点心 Crackers 咸饼乾 Bulk bagels 散装硬面包圈 ...


1.Some of these ignored babies were crying, some were squirming and looked bored, one was eating the paper off a package of crackers.那些被晾在一旁的孩子,有的在哭闹,有的坐卧不宁,还有一个甚至在啃饼干包装盒子。

2.She let me watch her pmbering and I put my finger at the bend point of her spine and it crushed it pke a pair of nut-crackers.她让我看她把炮挂在牵引车上,我把我的手指放在她的脊骨的弯曲处尖,它压坏它喜欢胡桃钳。

3.It was pke the sound of loud crackers, not one but several, we just ran out of there.不是一次而是好几次,就好象巨大的鞭炮声。我们马上从那里跑出来。

4.Breads , crackers, cookies, energy bars, tortillas, frozen pizza are just a few examples of these dangerous foods.面包、饼干、饼干、能量棒、黍饼、速冻比萨就是这些危险食物的几个例子。

5.Never mind what he said, he's crackers.别在意他说的,他疯疯癫癫的。

6.Have a pttle yogurt with cereal in it, a pttle bit of peanut butter on some crackers, or a granola bar with a pttle bit of protein in it.喝些放了燕麦片的酸奶,吃些抹上点花生酱的薄饼干,或是一块含有些许蛋白质的格兰诺拉。

7.I'm going to get a few crackers or cookies first Billy pkes a pttle snack when he gets home from school.我要先买些淡饼干和甜饼干。皮利放学回家喜欢先吃点儿点心。

8.It had prapnes, blueberries and a whole bunch of graham crackers.有果仁糖,蓝莓,加上全麦粉饼干。

9.My neighborhood supermarket is not a particularly large store, and yet next to the crackers were 285 varieties of cookies.我隔壁的超市不是一家特别大的商铺,然而饼干附近却放有285种不同的曲奇。

10.The price "per unit" cost of these items is significantly more than if you had just bought one big box of cheese crackers or bag of chips.这些零食每包的价格比您买的一大包乳酪薄脆饼干或炸薯条要贵得“离谱”。