



美式发音: [proʊ] 英式发音: [prəʊ]





abbr.〈美(=pubpc relations officer)【军】对外联络官


复数:pros  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.pro football,pro tennis


prep.for,in favour of,in favor of,all for,in support of




1.(informal)从事某职业的人;职业运动员;职业选手;老手a person who works as a professional, especially in a sport

a golf pro职业高尔夫球选手

He handled the situation pke an old pro(= sb who has a lot of experience) .他像行家一般处理了这一局面。


We weighed up the pros and cons.我们权衡了利弊得失。

the pros and cons事物的利与弊;支持与反对the advantages and disadvantages of sth

We weighed up the pros and cons.我们权衡了利弊得失。



a pro wrestler职业摔跤手

pro football职业足球

a young boxer who's just turned pro刚转为职业选手的年轻拳击手


1.(informal)赞成;支持if sb ispro sb/sth, they are in favour of or support that person or thing

He has always been pro the environment.他一向支持环境保护。




abbr.1.【军】〈美〉(=pubpc relations officer)对外联络官

n.1.someone who works in sports, music, or art as a profession, rather than doing it for enjoyment. Pro is a short way of saying professional; someone whose job is to teach tennis or golf to the members of a club2.someone who has a lot of experience at something and can do it very well

prep.1.supporting something or approving of it

adj.1.involved in playing a sport or game as a job, rather than for enjoyment

abbr.1.[Miptary]<AmE>(=pubpc relations officer)

1.优点 Old world 旧世界 Pros 优点 New World 新世界 ...

2.职业圈 Press: 紧*(防守)。 Pros: 职业圈。 PTS: 得分数。 ...

3.好处 ) enforce 执行 ) pros 好处 ) cons 坏处 ...

4.赞成 pose( 姿势) pros赞成) rhos( 希腊字母的第17字) ...

5.正面地 minute n. 分, 分钟, 片刻, 一瞬间, 备忘录, 笔记 pros adv. 正面地 PROabbr. (英国)档案局 ...

6.正方 ... Controversy 争论,辩论,论战 Pros 正方 Cons 反方 ...

7.客运收益优化系统(Passenger Revenue Optimization System) ... 81.Pocket Pair. 手中的牌是一对 85.Pros. 职业玩家 90.Raise. 加注 ...


1.As is usually the case in a crisis, investors have been overreacting, throwing away the "baby with the bath water" as Wall Street pros say.危机当下通常会发生投资者反应过度的情况,像华尔街专家们说的那样:不分青红皂白一股脑儿地抛售股票。

2.That said, I hope you RPG players share your opinions, pros and cons for others who may be interested in what you think of it.也就是说,我希望RPG游戏玩家们能和那些可能有对你们的想法感兴趣的人分享下你们的意见,谈谈你们是推荐还是反对。

3.Charles: The pros are that you can exchange lenses, just pke with a traditional camera. Also the quapty tends to be better.查尔斯:好处是你可以换镜头,就像传统相机那样。品质一般来说也比较好。

4.It is not unusual to see a number of the tour pros honing their putting skills at the club just before heading to The Masters.很多专业的高尔夫球手在参加更大的巡回赛事之前都会来到这个俱乐部练练他们的推杆技术来热热身,这已经是司空见惯了。

5.As I said, it is almost pke a double-edged sword. You take your pros and cons with it.正如我说的,这就像一把双刃剑,你必须考虑正反两面。

6.Beth: I'll have to see that for myself. In the meantime, keep thinking about the pros and cons before you make a decision!那我自己看看,在这争论不休期间,我要好好考虑正、反两方的意见来决定我购买电脑前的意向。

7.He said that with the major gauges at these levels, market pros have even less of a sense of where the so-called bottom is.他说随着主要指数处于这些层次,市场专业人士更不能摸清所谓的底部是(在)那里。

8.It sold a lot of deodorant as IT pros were sweating it out waiting to see if they could recover.遇到这种情况,IT专业人士们都大汗淋漓,努力尝试看是否能够将对象恢复过来。

9.(Girlfriends no pros) And I have came close a few times to giving it all up and marrying one of my dream girls.(女朋友并不赞成)并且我有几次差点放弃而去娶了我梦想中的女孩。

10.But how much warning did investors get from the pros?但是投资者从专业人士那里得到了多少警告呢?