


美式发音: [ˈkreɪvɪŋ] 英式发音: ['kreɪvɪŋ]




复数:cravings  同义词反义词





1.强烈的愿望;渴望;热望a strong desire for sth

a craving for chocolate非常想吃巧克力

a desperate craving to be loved对被爱的极度渴望



n.1.a very strong feepng of wanting something

v.1.The present participle of crave

1.渴望 crave 恳求,渴望 craving 渴望 creak 吱吱响声;v.吱吱作响 ...

2.渴求 hortatory 激励的... craving 渴望, 热望 ... percolate 滤, 滤过, 渗开, (使... ...

4.渴求感 crave 贪 craving 贪, 贪爱 created 有为 ...

6.强烈的愿望 crack 破裂 craving 强烈的愿望 creat 创造 ...

7.渴爱 intriguing 引起极大兴趣的 craving 强烈的欲望 gnawing 痛苦的,折磨人的 ...


1.So love it or loathe it, a craving for Marmite could be your body's way of trying to make up for a deficiency.所以不管是喜欢还是不喜欢,对酸制酵母的渴求可能是你身体试图弥补缺少的物质的一种方式。

2.All I knew was that I was craving a bit of luxury.我知道我想要的有点奢侈。

3.When you're craving for the latest fashion accessory or gizmo that isn't necessary to your immediate survival, write it down on your pst.当你渴望最新时尚配件那些不是你目前生活所必需品时,把它写在你的清单里。

4.To be with them, of them, was a craving that filled his whole body: He was longing for being able to join them and making friend with them.与他们在一起,成为他们中的一员,是充满他全身心的渴望。

5.The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work.懒惰人的心愿,将他杀害,因为他手不肯做工。

6.Another option, he says, is to " leave the scene of the craving. Change your setting and engage in other things that don't involve food. "另一个办法,他说,是“离开想吃东西的场所。改变一下环境,做一些与吃无关的事情。”

7.Your most marked characteristic? A craving to be loved, or, to be more precise, to be caressed and spoiled rather than to be admired.你最显著的性格特征?——对爱的渴望,更准确地说,被爱抚与宠溺多于被赞赏。

8.However, a few things are clear: India seems to have suddenly woken up to an intense craving for the good and the honest.现在一时之间很难回答这些问题,但有些事情是明了的:印度似乎突然之间觉醒了,爆发出对善良和正直的强烈渴望。

9.Was it a craving to be thought distinguished, a dread of being dull, or merely an effect of overfeeding?是指望自己显得与众不同,是怕空气变得沉闷无味,还是只因吃得太饱的结果?

10.He pops down to the shop to get me chocolate late in the evening if I have a craving and brings me up a cup of tea to bed.如果我有要求,他会在深夜去商店为我买巧克力;还会为我带一杯茶到床前来。