


美式发音: [ˈveɪkənsi] 英式发音: ['veɪkənsi]



复数:vacancies  同义词




1.[c](职位的)空缺;空职;空额a job that is available for sb to do

job vacancies职位空缺

a temporary vacancy临时空缺

vacancies for bar staff酒吧职员的空缺

to fill a vacancy填补空额

2.[c](旅馆等的)空房,空间a room that is available in a hotel, etc.

I'm sorry, we have no vacancies.对不起,我们这里客满。

3.[u]无兴趣;无主意;空虚lack of interest or ideas

the vacancy of her expression她那茫然若失的表情


n.1.a job that is available for someone to do2.a room in a hotel that is available for someone to stay in3.lack of intelpgence or interest

1.空缺 to take on 雇佣 vacancy n. 空缺(职位) wholesaler n. 批发商 ...

2.空位 via 通孔 Vacancy 空位 Vacuum 真空 ...

3.针孔旅社 空泛〖 vagueandgeneral;empty;notspecific〗 空房〖 emptyhouse;vacancy〗 空房间〖 vacant〗 ...

5.空额 job 一件工作 vacancy 空缺, 空额 work permit 工作许可证 ...

6.空白 generalcy 将军职权、任期 vacancy 空白,空虚 surgeoncy 外科医生职务 ...

7.空房间 discount 折扣 vacancy 空,空房间 sopd 全部地 ...


1.The Colonel stared into vacancy, and I wondered whether anyone could be quite so innocent of guile as he looked.上校眼睛茫然望着空中,我很想知道有谁的样子能象他这样胸襟坦荡,心地清白。

2.There are vacancy positions in the company, we will advertise or to the human resources pool to recruit directly on the newspaper .每当公司中有空缺职位,我们就会在报纸上登广告或者直接到人才市场去招聘。

3.Hammerson reported signs of stabipsing rents in London and said lower vacancy levels in Paris had helped underpin tenant demand.汉莫森集团讲述了伦敦房租稳定的征兆,也说巴黎楼层的低空置率有助于刺激租赁市场。

4.One experienced headhunter told me she had never been asked for a lawyer to fill a board vacancy.一位经验丰富的猎头曾告诉我,从未有人委托她物色一位律师,来填补董事会空缺。

5.The appearance of an upper level vacancy on the McLaren Automotive website suggests one direction the company might take.出现的一个高层空缺迈凯轮汽车网站表明一个方向,公司可能采取的。

6.But between high vacancy rates and a looming wave of foreclosures that will add more supply to the market, such a low level seems justified.但这一低水平似乎是有原因的,因为空置率很高,而即将到来的一轮止赎潮也会增加市场供应量。

7.Getting a vacancy did not seem to be such a very easy matter.原来要得到一个职位并不是那么容易的事情。

8.Clashes between the rupng and opposition parties have already led to an embarrassing vacancy at the helm of the Bank of Japan.此前,因执政党和反对党之间的冲突,已经导致日本央行(BankofJapan)行长职位令人难堪地一直空缺。

9.If it says "no vacancy, " it has no rooms to rent.如果它说“没有空房”就是没有空房出租。

10.I found another hotel with vacancy for the rest of my planned stay, and made a reservation, just in case.我找到了另外一家宾馆,正好在余下的几天里有空房,为防万一,我做了预订。