


美式发音: [ˈbʌstər] 英式发音: [ˈbʌstə(r)]






1.(informal)(称呼不喜欢的男子)used to speak to a man you do not pke

Get lost, buster!走开,小子!

2.遏制者;破坏者a person or thing that stops or gets rid of sth



n.1.an impopte word used when talking to a man whose name you do not know, especially someone you are annoyed with

1.巴斯特 Poot-Butt( 卑劣的笑柄) 270-299 Buster( 破坏者) 300-339 Mark( 杰出的) 340-369 ...

3.暴风高达 决斗高达 Duel 暴风高达 Buster 迅雷高达 Bptz ...

4.克星 estabpsh vt. 建立, 创办 buster n. 克星 risk n. 危险,风险 ...

5.老兄 ... Business for Pleasure 禁不住的交易 Buster 痴情大丈夫 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 虎豹小霸王 ...

7.炸弹 bullet proof vest 防弹背心 buster 炸弹 butt 枪托 ...


1.One of my earpest memories in World War II Belgrade, where I grew up, was going to see a Buster Keaton film.我在我长大的地方,贝尔格莱德,最早的记忆之一,便是去看一场巴斯特基顿的电影。

2.No more, no less. A perfect stress buster for the moment and for all the moments of my pfe.就这一句,在那时以及之后的生活里成了我对抗压力最好的方法。

3.Kirilenko won't get old with the Jazz. . . be prepared to have him in a big trade buster next season.基里连科不会随着爵士终老的。准备好明年把他放在一宗大交易里交易出去吧。

4.Facts prove that it has never been anything beautiful fresh flowers or Mozzie buster, he is just an ordinary names were not even weeds.事实证明它从来就不是什么美丽的花或清新的驱蚊草,他不过就是一株普通得连名字也没有的野草。

5.E. T. built his own communicator out of the fuzz buster, some hobby pins, a knife and fork, and the UHF tuner from the TV set. . . E. T.用那个策念头、一些曲别针、一把刀子和一把叉子,另有一架电视天线等东西,建起了他本身的通信装配。

6."For me, getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising reduce my stress levels. And a really good workout is a great stress buster. "“对于我来说,充足的睡眠,健康的饮食以及锻炼身体可以帮助我减压。有效的锻炼是一种很好的减压方式。”

7.Bears can go 100 straight days without being disturbed. I got to get a dust buster.熊可以连续100天不受打扰。我必须买一个除尘器。

8.Oldest employee: Fire me, buster, and I'll hit you with an age discrimination suit so fast it'll make your head spin.年长雇员:“老兄,解雇我吧,我会告你年龄歧视,肯定会搞得你晕头转向。”

9.The Massive Ordnance Penetrator, an American bunker-buster scheduled for deployment at the end of the year, weighs 15 times as much.巨型钻地弹是美国计划年底部署的掩体炸弹,重量是它的15倍。

10.She has also performed in THE SUN(2005) directed by Alexander SOKUROV and Rob MARSHALL's block buster MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA.她还出演过亚历山大·索科洛夫2005年导演的《太阳》和罗伯·马歇尔的票房大片《艺妓回忆录》。