


美式发音: [ˈpætrɪk] 英式发音: [ˈpætrik]

n.帕特里克;St. patrick 爱尔兰的守护神;【男名】男子名



n.1.帕特里克2.St. patrick 爱尔兰的守护神3.【男名】男子名

1.帕特里克 Pat 帕特 Patrick 派翠克 Paul 保罗 ...

3.派屈克 ... PATRICK拉丁名),意为“高贵的”、“贵族的”。在爱尔兰和苏格兰,此名较为流行。 ROGER( 古 …


1.The United States attorney in Chicago, Patrick Fitzgerald, said the charges make no accusations about President-elect Obama.美国驻芝加哥的联邦检察官帕特里克.菲茨杰拉德说,此项指控并没有针对当选总统奥巴马。

2.Patrick Henry was born with birth defects that left him without eyes and unable to straighten his arms or legs.帕特里克亨利出生时就有生理缺陷,他没有双眼也无法伸直双臂和双腿。

3."It's a huge weight off my shoulders, knowing that I don't have to worry about him being in my pfe, " said Patrick after the settlement.「我肩头的重担终于放下了,因为我知道无须再烦恼他会介入我的生活。」达成协议之后派屈克这麽表示。

4.Because he knew that reason why Patrick was so depressed was that he did the same sort of job for years and years.因为他知道帕特里克如此沮丧的原因是他多年来都做同样的工作。他的生活没有什么变化。

5.As he ate, he took out his flex photo to watch the twelve-picture spdeshow from Uncle Patrick's wedding.他边吃边拿出了他的折叠相册,从帕特里克叔叔的婚礼开始浏览十二幅一折叠的照片。

6.Robert Patrick, for example, seemed as if he might be bound for stardom when he played the T-1000 in "Terminator 2" .例如,罗伯特·帕特里克在“终结者2”里出演T-1000,看上去似乎是一颗明日巨星。

7.If you could tear Patrick away from his game, perhaps we could all go out for a drive.要是你能让帕特里克别玩那游戏,或许我们大家可以一起开车出去玩玩。

8.Patrick sympathized, and decided to try the horseradish himself. In no time at all he too was crying.帕特里克很同情他,并且决定也亲自尝尝辣根.随即,他的眼泪也下来了。

9.Patrick Imbardelp is not the first top executive to leave his employer over his CV and he will not be the last.帕特里克•因巴德利(PatrickImbardelp)不是首位因履历问题而被解雇的高级执行官,也不会是最后一个。

10.People compare him to Patrick Vieira, but they were a world apart in terms of the influence they exerted on their teams.人们把他和维埃拉比较,但他们在球队的影响力却根本不可同日而语。